The meeting (chapter 1).

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Me: Hey everyone guess what we have the main characters here yay!

Yusei: Can't we just get this over with I mean I don't want to meet new people. I'm happy with the friends I have.

Me: So you say yusei but you will get new friends sooner or later! I bet one of my favourite character from yugioh will help. YUYA!!!!!

Yuri: You mean you like yuya over me.

Me: Well I do have a crush on him...

Yuto: wait what!?!?!

Me: You guys aren't aloud here! Get out...

Yugo: Ok see ya.

Yugi: Well that was weird I didn't know yuya had brothers.

Yami: Well you learn something new every day but how did you know his name or did you make that name up?

Yugi: He's a famous duellist yami a famous entertainment duellist.

Yami: Whats that?

Me: Um can you stop asking stupid questions and pay attention yami?

Yami: Fine...

Yuma: It's the entertainment duellist yuya and the king of games yugi!

Jaden: Say what yugi's here? Wow the king of games himself but who's yuya?

Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen it's time for my intrusion. I am the one and only Yuya Sakaki!

Jaden: Talk about dramatic.

Yuma: Wow.

Me: So guys um you can call me Yusha Sakaki.

Yusei: So your yuya's sister.

Yusha: My oc is a boy but I'm a girl so let's do some gender-bend.

Jaden: Oh please no.

Yuma: Yeah I don't want to be a girl they stink.

Yuya: If Yuzu was here ow I fear for your life.

Yusha: He should mahahaha!

Yuya: Oh yeah you forgot about the lovely lady that was here.

Yuma: S-sorry...

Yusha: Oh yuya your so nice<3.

Yuma: What happened...

Yusaku: She has a crush on him.

Yusha: Oh yeah don't worry gender-bend is coming soon by soon I mean in two chapters!

Yuma: I thought you would say next chapter why didn't you?

Yusaku: Be quiet maybe she wants us to by dress' so something.

Yusha: Next chapter is for girl yugioh characters only. You know to give them so girl time.

Yusei: Understandable the girls are normally around boys all the time.

Yuya: Hope Yuzu doesn't get angry...

Yuma: Who's that?

Yuya: No one haha.

Yugi: Well it's nice to meet you again jaden.

Jaden: Oh Hey yugi how have ya been.

Yugi: Good how about you?

Jaden: I'm fine.

Yusha: Sorry but it's time to go say bye.

All but yuya: Bye!

Yusha: Hey yuya say bye.

Yuya: Sorry everyone the show is over. Stay seated because we will be back soon.

Yusha: Wonderful yuya wonderful you have to make the pendulum swing your way.

Yuya: Yeah haha.

Yusei: Seriously yuya and Yusha ugh.

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