Reactions to yuya x yuto (chapter 4).

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Yusha: Hey guys today we're gonna be reacting to my favourite ship!

Tori: Yes reacting to ships!

Yuma: Your such a fan girl.

Flip: Yes she is.

Yusha: The ship is................ yuya x yuto!

Yuya: That's your favouriteship!!

Yuto: Kill me now kill me now...

Yusha: Here's some proof that you two are in love.

Yusha: Here's some proof that you two are in love

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Yusha: Why was you smiling then.

Yugo: Oh busted!

Tori: ...

Yuri: Really Yugo.

Yugo: Yes.

Yuri: Well I got some more proof.

Yuri: Well I got some more proof

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Yuto: So what if me and yuya are in love! You and Yugo are in love right Yuri?

Yusha: Yuya yuto.

Yuya/yuto: Yes

Yusha: I made a different story that is well...

Yuto: What is is?

Yusha: When you two fall in love...

//yuya runs up to yuto//

Yuto: What are you doi-.

//yuya kisses yuto on the lips//

Yuya: Well this is what the fangirls want they get it!!!!!

Yuto: Oh my...

Yugo: Oooooo.

Yusha: The ship has sailed<3.

Tori: Yes!

Jesse: Um what just happened cause it happend so fast.

Jaden: So yuya just kissed yuto right. And now yuya's dabbing...

Alexis: Well I guess this was meant to be.

Syrus: ...

Yusha: Well bye guys see you soon!

Yuya: Bye everyone the show must end. But the curtains will open soon see ya.

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