Reactions to ships/Yami x Yugi/(chapter 7).

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Yusha: Well, this is back.

Yuya: I thought it ended.

Yusha: I um wanted to continue.

Yuri: Cool!

Yugo: A ship reaction...?

Yusha: /evil smirk/ Yessssss.

Jaden: Why are you so evillll?

Yusha: Because I can be, Jaden.

Jesse: Your joking, right?

Yusha: Nope!

Yuzu: I want to know what ship you are doing, now!

Yusha: Yami x Yugi.

Yugi: /high pitched squeak/.

Yusha: Awwww.

Yami: Why would people ship us, US!?

Yusha: I ship it.

Yami: Huh...?

Yusha: Anyways, we are back with better grammar!

Yugo: Yeah, the grammar was bad before.

Yusha: I read though my past mistakes! I regret most things!

Yuto: Of course you do.

Yuya: Don't worry your gonna improve, right?

Yusha: Yeah!

Yuya: Yay!

Yusha: But I find it really funny that Yuya, Yuri and Jesse's names are the only ones without red dots, underneath.

Yuya: How....

Yuto: I believe what Yuya is trying to say is that how is that funny.

Yusha: I laugh when people stare at me...

Yuri: And she has become a weirdo!

Jesse: Hey, Yuri, that isn't nice.

Yuri: I could say the same thing about your face!

Yusha: Yuri! Okay, let's just talk about the ship.

Téa: I don't really think it's that good.

Yusha: Is that.... a sane person I see?

Téa: are you okay...?

Yusha: Anyways, anyone else?

Yuya: It's a weird ship. Their like the same person, so how?

Yusha: You have a point,!

Yuri: I'm so glad that you still have your name as Yuriwrites0.

Yusha: Um, okay.

Yugo: What even is this ship? It's such a bad ship. Like whatttt.

Yuto: Yugo's dying.

Yuri: Nice to know.

Yuya: Is that really a reaction that is meant for this?

Yuri: Don't ruin my mood, I'm having a nice day.

Yusha: Your funny Yuri.

Tori: Atleast your not giving out hearts.

Yusha: Yuya, here's a heart <3~

/Yuya catches it/

Yuya: Thanks!

Yusha: Well, I think this is a nice ship. Of course it is! But I don't Yugi to be unpure.

Yami: And you say that's my fault?

Yusha: Yes, yes I do.

Yami: Whyyyyyy?

Yusha: This chapter is going on wayyy longer than expected.

Chazz: Well, maybe, you should shorten it down!

Yusha: That wouldn't be fun.

Chazz: Who cares? Anyways, this ship is terrible. Like who ships this, ugh.

Yusha: Be respectful Chazz or I'll hurt you.

Yuto: And she's creepy again.

Yusha: Guess what!

Alexis: I, honestly, would ship it.

Jaden: Alexis! Why you do this?

Alexis: Speak properly.

Jaden: Cri.

Alexis: What does that mean?

Yusha: Cry.

Alexis: Weird.

Tori: Good ship, I think.

Yuma: Why do you ship this and who ships it? You all will be found guilty!

Yusha: Nishishishihs.

Yuya: Le gasp.

Yuto: What?

Yuya: She brought something outside of Yugioh in this!

Yuto: Your joking, right?

Yuya: No... that's danganronpa....

Yusha: You caught the reference?

Yuya: Have you betrayed us?

Yusha: If I betrayed you I wouldn't be writing this.

Yuri: She has a point.

Shark: What is this 'danganronpa'?

Yusha: I'll explain later!

Shark: Why not now?

Yusha: I wrote over 500 words! So I got to go!

Yuya: Can I started bye?

Yusha: Sure!

Yuya: Sorry everyone, the shoe is over! But that doesn't mean there isn't more to come. Even so, for now we bow and swing into action some other time. Bye everyone.

/Yuya bows/.

Everyone else: Bye!

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