Which is the best Yugioh? (Chapter 9).

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Yusha: Hello, everyone!

Yuya: Hi!

Yuri: Here we go again, with shipping reactions.

Yuma: I hated the last one!

Astral: Agreed.

Tori: I hated the last one, too.

Yusha: Tori, is that because you want Yuma to yourself?

Tori: Huh?! No!

Yusha: Okay, by the way, this isn't a ship reaction.

Yami: Wait, what?

Tea: That's surprising.

Yusha: Today, we gonna find out the best Yugioh!

Yugi: You mean series?!

Yusha: Yep!

Yuya: Of course, it Arc v.

Yusha: series I haven't fully watched yet are gonna be judged by how much I've watched!

Jaden: Oh boy, I'm ready!

Yusha: First, Yugioh DM.

Joey: Were winnin' this one!

Yugi: Joey, she hasn't said anything, yet.

Yusha: Oh, yeah, my pronouns are he and him, now.

Yuya: Wow, I support you!

Yusha: Anyways, Yugioh DM was the first Yugioh I watched. It seemed to always make you sit on the edge of your seat. I really enjoyed when Yugi and Yami lost, because it showed they weren't perfect. I like how it sometimes hit me on an emotional level. However, I hated that friendship always solved problems.
Over all, 7/10.

Joey: Only 7?!

Yusha: Okay, Yugioh GX, now.

Jaden: That's my queue!

Jesse: We're gonna be the best!

Yusha: I loved the concept of being able to see spirits and how the cards Jaden designed, as a child, came along was just heart-warming.

Alexis: Obviously, GX is the best.

Jaden: Couldn't agree with you more!

Yusha: The relationship between Jesse and Jaden was just adorable. Also, I liked the idea of Yubel coming to seek revenge. Then, getting fused with Jaden.

Jaden: Yubel is awesome!

Alexis: Well, I didn't find her that pleasing.

Yusha: However, I didn't like how it ended. It was just sad to see Jaden, a loveable character, become a depressed boy. He was so happy before and I wish they kept that.
Over all, 8/10.

Jesse: Yes, we're in the lead!

Jaden: I bet we gonna win!

Yusha: Okay, 5ds.

Yusei: Here we go.

Jack: Because I'm the best, this Yugioh is the best.

Crow: We'll get a ten, NO PROBLEM!

Yusha: This is the first of the Yugioh's I haven't finished watching and I don't think I really want to go back to it.

Jack: What!

Yusha: I enjoyed the motorcycles duelling thing but I didn't like the plot. I just felt like the plot was just getting stretched. However, I liked that Yusei was born in wealth but grew up in poverty.
Over all, 4/10.

Yusei: Of course, it had to be our show.

Jack: Obviously, she's joking!

Yusha: Next, Zexal. I have like one episode left. Okay, Yuma he's a clumsy loveable character. He never gives up and makes friend though duelling. That time when Astral came I loved that time with all my heart. The way the interactive with each other was so funny and heart warming at the same time.

Tori: Are you just going to talk about the relationship of Yuma and Astral.

Yuma: This is getting kinda weird.

Astral: Agreed.

Yusha: Okay, the plot. I loved it. It was really interesting and I wish there was more episodes. Basically, the only complaint is about Yuma's friends. Some of them helped, some of them were just cheerleaders.
Over all, 8/10.

Yuma: Yeah, that's a great score!

Astral: Though, there is a possibility we lose.

Tori: I'm no cheerleader!

Yusha: Then, we have Arc v. I like the concept of Zarc getting split into 4, along with Ray and the world. However, I would have liked the main characters from the other Yugioh's to show up. Though, I loved the idea of entertainment duels. They seemed so fun and active.

Yuya: Yep, entertainment duels are awesome! It's amazing!

Yuzu: For once, you're right.

Yuya: Hey!

Yuto: That can't be all so keep speaking, Yusha.

Yusha: Okay, okay, Yuto. So, where was I?
Oh, yeah! I liked Yuzu character but, at the end, she turned into princess peach.

Yuzu: Wait! I'm the best female protagonist and the strongest!

Yugo: No, I think Rin Rin is.

Yuzu: HUH?!

Yusha: Calm down! I just thought you were better, at the start of the series.
Anyways, I didn't like how we didn't get to see the fight between Yuya and his father but I really enjoyed his final fight with jack and Declan. It was really fun to see how much Yuya had grown.
Over all, 9/10.

Yuya: YES, a 9!!

Yuma: No, way....

Yuzu: Yes, Yes, yes!

Yuto: Thank you for giving us such a high score. Though, I find it hard to settle at only 9.

Yugo: Yeah, we're in The lead!

Jaden: Ahh, man.

Alexis: I guess GX wasn't good enough for him. Though, to me it was the best.

Yuri: Well, well, well. What did you expect? This boy loves Arc v. I bet she almost dies, when she watched all the episodes because she has none left.

Yusha: I didn't die!

Yuri: I, honestly, doubt that.

Yusha: Who cares about that? Now, it's time for Vrains! I'm not even close to finishing this one. Though, I think it has great potential. However, the main character, Yusaku, is kinda dull.

Yusaku: Obviously, you would mention something like that.

Aoi: Hey, be nice to Yusaku, please!

Yusha: So, basically, I do like where this thing is heading. I just wish for Yusaku to be more relaxed than up tight.
Over all, 6/10.
Here's the rankings:
1. Arc v
2. GX, Zexal
3. DM
4. Vrains
5. 5ds

You don't have to agree with my opinion because you probably don't have the same order, as me.
It's your choice what you favourite Yugioh is. Don't let my opinion change yours.

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