Reactions to ships/Astral x Yuma/ (chapter 8).

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Yusha: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another chapter of Yugioh crossover! Today, I'm gonna announce something really important, before we start. That is that the next chapter is gonna be a Q & A for the characters! I will answer them to the best of my ability! But for now, let's get on with the chapter!

Yuya: You Really now how to open a chapter!

Yusha: Thanks!

Yuri: Anyways, what's the ship?

Yusha: I'm glad you asked!

Téa: I'm not.

Yugo: I can't be that bad— i jinxed it.

Yami: Pretty much.

Yusha: Well, the ship is........

Yuri: /yawn/ hurry up! We don't have all day.

Yuto: We do. We're fictional characters.

Yuri: Oh, shut up.

Yusha: Astral x Yuma! (One on my favourites).

Yuri: Isn't every ship your favourite?

Yusha: Nope! Anyways, what your opinions?

Yuma: Are you crazy?! We're only friends!!!

Yusha: Yuma says blushing, looking over at his senpai.

Yuma: Hey!

Yuri: I got to say, I love your narration~

Yusha: Thanks, I try my best!

Astral: What does a 'ship' mean? The boat? If so, why do people put me and Yuma on a boat?

Yusha: /dies of laughter/.

Tori: Such a pure soul.

Yuri: You see a ship is— /gets hit in the stomach by Tori/.

Tori: Don't ruin it.

Yami: So, good ship?

Yusha: Hell Yes!

Yuma: You be quiet!

Yusha: I could silence you and you couldn't do the same!

Yuma: Hphm /crosses arms and looks up at the sky/.

Yusha: Yuma just wishes he could have his senpai to himself, but that is not how life works. He can not be with him because he's afraid of what people would say about it. Even so, Yuma's love for his senpai still lives in his heart.

Yami: I like this girl.

Yugo: And this is why she writes fanfics.

Yuya: Good fanfics!

Yugo: Yeah, Yuya x Yuto is good, now.

Yuya: That's What she writes?!

Yusha: Let's get back to the ship, okay?

Yugi: Okay!

Joey: Why do you like ships so much?

Yusha: ....... that could be a question for the Q & A! Also, if you want to know my first shippppppppp~

Joey: You're just getting them to ask the questions you want!

Yusha: Okay, think that way.

Tori: This ship is not alright. I mean, Astral has lived for thousands of years and, then, there's Yuma. He's 14 clumsy and an idiot. Have different can they get!

Yusha: Opposites attract~

Tori: That's just disgusting.

Yusha: Really, really?

Yuto: You making us say this stuff, you know.

Yusha: Shut up!

Anyways, bye everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye~~~~~
(Remember Q & A).

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