Gender bend (chapter 3).

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Yusha: I guess I am now a boy now... ok let's get on with the chapter!

 ok let's get on with the chapter!

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Yuya: This is embarrassing .///.

Yuzu: You look good in a skirt maybe you should be a girl for now on.

Yuya: Never!

Yusha: You do look pretty nice <3.

Yuya: Well thank you Yusha.


Yuya: Boys can't hit guys it's a law.

Yuzu: Well I HATE laws.

Yuma: Come on Yuzu lighten up!

Tori: Well some people don't like being the different gender Yuma. Deal with it!

Yuma: Well I for one think I look good as a girl! Ok so don't make fun of me

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Yuma: Well I for one think I look good as a girl! Ok so don't make fun of me.

Flip: Yuma you have problems maybe that flip in your gender did something to your brain.

Tori: Really?

Yusha: Tori I thought you were excited for this.

Yuto: Hey yuya got any malk?

Yugo: It's molk!

Yuri: Can't you guys speak it's milk!

Yuya: Here's some malk dog.

Yuto: Thanks yuya.

//they high five each other//

//Yugo/Yuri are confused.//

Yuri: Thats What you meant hey.

Yugo: Really just really...

Yugi: I am not comfortable in a skirt

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Yugi: I am not comfortable in a skirt.

Yami: Yeah shows to much skin.

Seto kaiba: Be quiet pharaoh.

Yami: Ugh how rude.

Jaden: What happened to me?!?!

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Jaden: What happened to me?!?!

Yusha: Jaden your now a girl.

Jaden: Hey your that girl but now a boy from before.

Jesse: Jaden is now a girl...

Jaden: You are to you know.

//Jesse looked down and back at Jaden//

Jesse: YOUR RIGHT!!!

Alexis: Wow this is new I thought it was just me...

Yusha: Your wrong.

Yuto: Yuya give me some skin.

Yami: Not this again!

//yuya gets a knife slices some skin off and gives it to yuto//

Yuya: Your welcome.

Yuto: Thanks.

(Do not cut your skin like it's paper ok everyone).

//Yusha gives yuya a healing position//

Yuya: Thanks.

Yusha: Your welcome. Now say bye guys<3.

Yuya: Bye everyone I'm sorry the show can't continue! But the entertainment will continue soon.

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