In Name Only

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Part Two of the Secret Series!

Their story continues...

One secret is out but how many more are being hidden, how many more will be revealed?

This may be the beginning of the end or a whole new chapter for Noah and Eva...



In Name 

"I, Noah Joshua Marshall, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President

of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the 

constitution of the United States."

His oath was a lie, thought Noah as Eva smiled at him proudly before returning the bible. Noah

was surprised not to see burn marks on the thing. The only one he was really protecting was

himself. Noah just became the youngest President in the history of the United States, and he was

more concerned with the actions of his First Lady than the country.

Noah still could believe how he had been blindsided by both of them. Cooper, he never saw

coming, if it hadn't been for that letter, he would've still gone on believing he was innocent. Eva

on the other hand had all the signs. She never told him the whole story of anything and never

spoke of her past. Her betrayal should have been expected but still, he ignored all her silent

approaches, the way she attacked Keith and her attitude towards Cooper. I mean why would she

hate a guy she barely knew?

In all honesty, he should have questioned Cooper's finances, but he was good at covering his

tracks. Even at his death, his bank account remained perpetually empty and his credit cards

overdrawn. The evidence was in his clothes and car, he had even claimed the spider was a gift 

from a wealthy ex-girlfriend but when Noah had tracked her down and asked about it she had 

cursed, "Why would I buy that cheating sack of shit anything?" Yeah, girls in high school had

always showered him with gifts, but Noah should have known a grown woman wouldn't spend

that kind of money unless a ring was involved.

His chase for Welker may be over, but now Noah had his eyes set on someone even more

dangerous and she had the power of her own office to back it up. Staying married to her was his

only option or so he consoled himself. He reasoned that as long as Eva got what she wanted,

maybe there would be no need to worry about any future crimes she may commit.

Eric took his oath as well, with Olivia beside him. To think he once pitied Liv, she may have

gotten the better deal through an arranged marriage than he did for love. Through the crowd, he

saw Theresa Montgomery, she had a position in his cabinet - not that he could remember what it

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