stage 14

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Being back at the hospital was horrible but so was having stage three cancer from not taking me pills for a week but lately Sarah's being not quite herself she seems weak and tired, less energetic. sleeping in longer not going to the doctor that draws her blood on Friday she hasn't eaten in four days and i'm scared. yesterday she was put on machine to help with her her breathing and monitored her heart because cancer was spread to her heart and lung.

 she's hasn't been happy when Brendon comes around or giddy for food she hasn't spoken to anyone, she has bags under her eyes. She looked in pain and i only see her get up to go to the bathroom. It's heartbreaking but today was the worse of the days she looked at me from her bed and gave a weak smiled "Ryan?" she spoke her voice hoarse and sickly " did you ever finish my song?"she asked i nodded "will you sing it to me ." i again nodded i began to sing to her 

"I was fine, just a guy living on my own,

Waiting for the sky to fall.

Then you called and changed it all, doll.

Velvet lips and the eyes to pull me in.

We both know you'd already win.

Mm, your original sin.

You fooled me once with your eyes, now, honey,

You fooled me twice with your lies, and I say,

Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care,

She lives in her world, so unaware.

Does she know that my destiny lies with her?


(Sarah, Sarah, Sarah)

Oh Sarah,


Are you saving me?

Waking up to a kiss and you're on your way.

I'd really hoped that you would stay,

But you left and went your own way, babe.

I don't mind, take your time, I got things to do

Besides sit-around-and-wait-for-you.

Oh and I hope you do too.

You fooled me once with your eyes, now, honey,

You fooled me twice with your lies, and I say,

Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care,

She lives in her world, so unaware.

Does she know that my destiny lies with her?


Oh Sarah,

Are you saving me?

It's killing me inside!

Consuming all my time,

You've left me blind!

And when I think I'm right,

You strip away my pride,

You cast it all aside, but I say,

Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn't care,

She lives in her world so unaware.

Does she know that my destiny lies with her,



Oh Sarah,


Are you saving me?" she smiled once more and closed her eyes and for a while i thought that she was asleep cause her breathing and heart slowed but then it stopped completely and i freaked out and called all the nurses they all rushed in and drew the curtain between us.

 I couldn't see only hear and it terrified me the static sound the yell of "clear" to start her heart up again. It all just reminded me of dad and it became too overwhelming. dads death, not taking my pills, little Sarah's life slipping away i couldn't handle it i passed out and hit the floor.

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