jeremiah: chapter 11

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Third person POV"By the time I got there, Jeremiah had already escaped

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Third person POV
"By the time I got there, Jeremiah had already escaped." Barbara explained to Tabitha as Alfred walked into the Siren's Club.
"Right. Where the hell is Ra's al Ghul?" He asked.
"Alfred. Let me guess, Ra's helped Jeremiah kidnap Bruce, so you came to me to find Ra's." Barbara guessed.
"Would you care to tell me where he is?" The butler asked the woman once more.
"I don't know where he is. But I know where he's gonna be. Ra's is leaving Gotham tonight after turning it to a pile of rubble. With, I assume, Jeremiah's help. So here's the deal: You get to kill Jeremiah," she said, pointing to Tabitha, "you get to rescue Bruce," she continued, pointing to Alfred, "and I get to kill Ra's." She finished.
"And how do you plan on doing that, then?" Alfred questioned, not sure how she planned to get the upper hand on a practically immortal being.
"I got a little surprise for him." Barbara vaguely explained, turning around to touch a box on the bar table. This box held the Kurdish Dagger, the only weapon powerful enough to kill Ra's Al Ghul.
"One question." another voice, Penguin-holding a very large gun-, entered the room, asking, "Who do I get to kill?" Barbara grabbed the box and started walking out of the room.
"Well, don't we make quite the little gang."

After Jim escaped Nygma's jealousy rage, he called Bullock to see what had happened while he was being tortured by the riddler.
"Did Harlan get Bruce to the precinct?" He asked his partner.
"Yeah, it's bad." Bullock vaguely answered.
"What're you talking about?" Jim continued his questions.
"Jeremiah escaped. He's got Bruce. He took the bombs, all of them."

Irene's POV
"I'm excited to see you're plan in motion, baby." I told Jeremiah as we stood in front of the building I was in before I broke him out of the GCPD. He turned to me, straightening his suit jacket.
"About that..." He said as I heard a vehicle pull up behind us. I turned and saw it was Ecco on her motorcycle. She had her jester outfit on, along with a dirty white mask that covered her whole face.
"What's going on?" I questioned my fiancée. He placed his hands on my shoulders.
"You won't be coming in with me, darling. Just in case our partner decides to betray us tonight, I don't want you to be in the crossfire." He explained. I furrowed my eyebrows in worry.
"But, what about you, Jer? What if you get-"
"There's no need to worry about me, I can take care of myself." He dismissed, moving one of his hands from my shoulder to caress my cheek.
"Yeah, well, so can I." I fired back, growling. He sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I know that, princess. Please, it's just a precaution." He begged. I wanted to fight more, prove to him that I can take care of myself, but his eyes held such worry, I dropped the argument.
"Fine." I reluctantly agreed, crossing my arms.
"Thank you." He said, then kissed my forehead. I gave him a small smile before turning to Ecco and sitting on the motorcycle seat.
"Hey, girlie." I greeted her, wrapping my arms around her waist for safety. She jingled the bells on the ends of her headpiece in a way of greeting me back. I let out a soft laugh as she drove away.

Jeremiah's POV
Ra's al Ghul's men pulled back the plastic curtains as I led Bruce inside the room. Inside was Ra's, looking out a large window that showed the rest of the city. It was a perfect view of our plans for tonight. I pulled the bag off Bruce's head, then took my place standing next to Ra's.
"How did you two-"
"Find each other?" Ra's finished for the confused kid, then continued, saying, "I'd like to think it was you, Bruce. You brought us together. I trust things went smoothly?" Ra's now turned to me.
"Like clockwork." I replied, my head slightly turning to him. I then asked, "Did your men retrieve my bombs?"
"They are on route to their positions as we speak." The immortal man answered me, wrapping his arm around Bruce's shoulders and guiding him closer to the large window.
"From here, we can take in the full majesty of Gotham's destruction." Ra's explained to the billionaire boy. Bruce didn't look amused, or even slightly delighted for that matter.
"You're both insane." He growled. It didn't offend either of us. He just didn't understand yet.
"I know it's difficult to fathom, Bruce, but Jeremiah and I are doing this for your benefit." Ra's began.
"How is destroying Gotham supposed to help me?" Bruce questioned.
"Because I had a vision. That out of this crucible of blood and fire will rise the Dark Knight that your city needs. That I need." Al Ghul finished his explanation. I decided I should chime in on the conversation now.
"To be honest, Bruce. Prophecies, visions, not really my cup of tea. But our friend revealed something to me. That my twin obsessions, rebuilding Gotham and rebuilding you, are one in the same. You're the brother I never had. The one Jerome could never be." I was now standing next to Bruce with my gloved hand placed on his shoulder.
"We will create a legacy in this city. Gotham falls, we rise. Together."

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