Chapter Four: H̶e̶r̶o̶ ̶V̶e̶r̶s̶i̶o̶n̶

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Warning: drama,
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It have been five months since Kacchan went missing. I have been skipping school, All Might came to my house to try to get me to go back. But I won't go back with those people. Not until Kacchan comes back, we both can go back as friends.

I miss him. . .
I need him. . .
I want my hero back. . .

There had been many rumors that were forming in that school, after just one week of him missing, which is one reason I stopped going.

Aren't they aiming to be future heroes?

I'm starting to believe that he didn't went missing, instead he became what they all said he was meant to be. A villain. . .

NO! Don't think such negative thoughts, Izuku! Remember, he is your hero!

"Izuku? Dear, are you alright? You haven't been eating well and you stay in your room all day. . .I understand you miss Katsuki, so does his mom. But sweetie, you must to eat. Imagine what Katsuku would say if he were to see the stage your in. You wouldn't want him to see you at your lowest, right?" my mom said as she opened the door to my bedroom. I blinked back tears.

". . .I miss him so much, mom, Kacchan is my hero. He had me believe in myself after. . ." I looked at her with red tired eyes.

"Oh Izuku. . .your look worst than Mitsuki the last time I seen her, and she's Katuski's mother." She said as she walked forward to sit next to my weak form.

"Sorry mom, I'm just not the same as before," I sighed.

"Why not go to school?" she asked as she as beside me, "I know what happened, but you should go back before they-"

"No!" I looked at her, angrily at the thought. "I will not go back! Those people are the reason why Kacchan left! Left me!"

"Izuku. . .you must know you cannot blame them forever, don't you want to become an hero? Think abou-"

"I can and I will, and I don't know about the hero thing. I. . . I'm going out," I stood up and walked out of my room after putting in an forest green hoodie, leaving house once I put on my red snickers.

I'm sorry mom, but I don't think. . .

I walked towards the playground I used to play in with Kacchan and the gang. Walking around the park, remembering the memories made. Spacing out and thinking of the different possibilities that could had taken place.

If only I was strong enough. . .
If only I was able to stand up for Kacchan like he did for me. . .
If only. . .

That was, until I bumped into someone.

"Deku. . .?" That voice brought me back to reality. I looked up, my eyes widen with hope. And there he was.

Ka. . .kac

Tears formed, "Kacchan!"


Damn that fucking dried chapped hand man, always keeping me back from fucked up crimes. How the hell will I be able to become number one?!

I growled, walking to the park I used to play hero when I was younger. Once inside, I stood there, thinking how everything start to where I am now, same thoughts, as usual.

Hero, heh, stupid title.

After minutes of standing there, just as I was about to leave, some small punk decided to bump into me. I was about to explode his face off until I saw familiar green hair. And without thinking I said his nickname out loud.

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