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"Luke! Stay with me!" Felicia cries, leaning over Lukes injured body. I look over, Ashton is fighting with Mr. Johnson. I then see, Mr. Marshal holding the gun that shot Luke in the shoulder. Shelby is fighting with Mr. Broussard as Tom is right beside her. Brock and Carrie are fighting with Mr. Schlesinger. Mary Lou and Marco are fighting Mr. Walker. I look back at Mr. Marshal and he's walking over towards Felicia and Luke. I run over to Brock's car and grab his gun.

I point the weapon towards the man, "Leave them alone!" He looks over at me and points his double barrel at me. It's just us. Nobody else. He's been after me this entire time. "Come on Clark! Show me what you got!" I yell at the man. He shoots. But he misses. This is my time to get him.

I point and just pulled the trigger. He drops. I lower the gun and ran over to the man. His eyes are wide open with no life in them. I got him. He's gone. The fighting stops. Everybody is over the lifeless man. Then we start to hear sirens in the background.

** five hours earlier**

It's been a week since that party. Things have been crazy since then. But nothing too crazy. Now, we're all at the park. We're having a day together. It's almost 5 in the evening. Ashton is holding my hand as we walk around in a big group. I've never felt so loved in my entire life.

I honestly love my friends. We're on our way out of the park to go catch some dinner. Ashton and I walk to his car. He opens the door for me. I smile at him, "Thank you." I get in the car. He closes the door. He walks around the front of his car and gets in.

He starts up his car and puts on the heater. It's colder than usually tonight. I settle into my seat until I'm pulled. I giggle at the impact of our thighs. He wraps his arms around my shoulders to bring me close to his side. I place my hand on his thigh and rubbed it. He likes it. It keeps him relaxed. I lean my head against his shoulder, becoming warm to his touch.

Felicia's P.O.V

We were first to pull up to the diner. I go to reach for the door handle but, Luke pulls me to him. I laugh at his action. He starts to leave kisses all over my face. I push him away from me and looked in his eyes, "Woah there Mr. Hemmings. You can wait for tonight." I wink at him.

He smiles down at me, "Is that a promise?" I cup his face and placed a loving kiss on his lips. I pull away and looked at him, "A promise." I smile at him. "How did I get so lucky?" He asks, resting his head against his seat. I straighten myself, grabbing his warm hand into my cold one.

"I ask myself that question all the time." I smile. His mouth opens. I laugh at his reaction. He lets go of my hand and places his hands on his lap. I calm down, "Awe Luke, I was kidding babe." He looks away from me, being more dramatic about it. I scoot closer to him. He moves away from me.

I try not to laugh at his childish actions. I clear my throat to keep myself from laughing. I place my hand on his knee. I work my way up to his thigh. I see his facial structure change. I'm getting to him. I keep my hand his thigh. I bring my lips to his neck. I left a few kisses on his neck. I feel him shiver.

A victory smile places on my lips. I bring my hand up to his face, making him look at me. His blue eyes sparkle in the night. I bring him close to me. I've never been more love with anybody in my entire life. I thank God everyday for him. I can feel his hands wrap around my waist to pull me close to him.

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