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Grace's P.O.V

I'm in a car with Brock driving while Shelby and Felicia are in the front. Mary Lou and I are in the back seat. We're bobbing our heads to a song that's playing on the radio.

We are on our way to a party. Ashton couldn't make it. He has to get up early to open up the shop. Marco was out of town for a business trip. Luke is going to be there to see Felicia. Carrie is already there waiting on Brock.

We're all having a good time in the car when my body jerks forward. I looked up and we stopped. I look between Shelby and Brock. I see headlights in front of us. "Who is that?" Shelby asks. My heart beat is rising. The headlights look all too familiar. I lean forward, "Brock, we have to get out of here. Back up and just drive off." He nods. He puts it in reverse and moves. He looks back and stops the car.

I look back, there's more headlights. He locks the doors. My breathing is heavy. I look around. Mary Lou is shaking, Felicia and Shelby are trying to come up with a plan to get out of this, and Brock is thinking to himself. I'm just thinking the worse for us. Then Brock looks back, "I never thought I'll have to do this but, Grace pulled the seat back and grab my double barrel that's in the trunk."

My eyes widen. A gun? I'm frozen. "Grace, come on. That's the only way we can scare them." Brock says. I nod. I sit up a little bit and pulled back the seat. I stick in my arm and felt around in the trunk. My hand finally touches something. I grab the butt of the gun and pulled it close. I very careful take it out and pushed back the seat. "Watch out." I tell Shelby. She leans into Felicia, as I hand Brock his gun.

He checks the gun and there's two bullets. "Felicia look in there and see if there's more bullets in there." Brock points to the glove department. She opens it and sure enough there were some bullets. "How many?" She asks, looking at him. "Four." He says. She takes out four and closes it. She hands them to him. He takes them and stuffs them into his denim jacket.

He closes the gun and unlocks his door. He turns and looks at everybody, "If I don't make it, I want you to drive." He looks at Shelby. She nods with tears forming in her eyes. "I love y'all." With that he gets out of the car. Mary Lou moves closer to me, taking my hand. Shelby leans against Felicia holding her tight. We watch Brock walk up to the cars with the gun in his hand.

He points it at the car and the car starts to back away, along with the others. Mary Lou and I turn around the cars behind us back away too. Relief runs through me. I hear Shelby choke, "He did it." She sits up wiping the tears that fell down her face. Brock turns and points the gun at the cars that were once behind us. He looks back at the car and they are down the road.

He jogs back to the car and went to the back. He pops the trunk and puts the gun up. He gets back into the car and Shelby wraps her arms around her best friend. They pull away and Felicia brings him into a warm hug. She pulls away. He takes out the bullets and hands them to Felicia. She takes them and puts them up. He looks back at me with sad eyes.

"Was it him?" I ask, already knowing the answer. He nods. I close my eyes and shake my head. When is he going to leave us alone? We're not bothering him. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and it's Brock, "Don't worry. We'll take him down." I nod at him. He turns around and puts the car in drive. And we're on our way to the party.

Brock's P.O.V

We arrive at the party. We get out of my car. I close my door and I walk around the car to meet with the girls. Mary Lou and Grace got their arms locked together, talking about who knows what. Shelby and Felicia are walking beside me. Felicia locks her arm with my right arm as Shelby does the same to my left.

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