Changing Moods

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Flinging open the front door, I threw my stuff on the counter and made my way to my room. Letting out a deep sigh, I flung myself down on the bed and closed my eyes.

"My boss needs to go suck his own Dick! I don't understand why no one gives a shit about my opinion. I mean, come on he treats me like I'm nothing more than a human-robot that he found in a dumpster. He has a stick stuck so far up his ass that he could be a living popsicle."

Just then my phone began to ring from my bag in the kitchen. Groaning I got up from my bed and stomped into the kitchen.

Picking up the phone with hostility, and read Boss written across my home screen."Can I help you, sir?"

B: "Yeah! You can get your lazy ass back in here and finish the assignment I told you to finish! Can you hear me dipshit?"

Y/N: "Sir, that assignment has been placed on your desk completed just like you asked. Nothing more was added and it is nothing less than what you would expect from any other worker. So if you don't mind sir I really need to get some sleep, I've been working overtime these past two weeks. I need to rest and get my energy up so i-"

B: "Alright I hear you but I expect you to be here at 7 pm today or you're fired! Do you understand? Good then I'm hanging up, your voice is far too annoying to hear for more than 1 second."

I heard a harsh click as he hung up the phone. Setting my phone down gently, I then turned away from the counter and punched a hole in my wall.

As I began to fight the wall to get my hand free the phone began to ring again. Ripping my hand free I grabbed my phone with hesitation I answer in a stern voice. "What the fuck do you want?"

I heard my aunt Tessa on the other side grunt in annoyance. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I was calling to tell you some good news. I got you and Jessica tickets to go to the fan meet today. It's going to start at 8:30 over there."

Almost dropping my phone in excitement, I squealed. "You really got us tickets? Wow, thank you, T! You are truly amazing."

Jumping up and down in a place I couldn't help but wonder who I was going to meet. "So who is it? WHO IS IT!?"

Tessa let out a sigh and chuckled. "Jess will be home shortly so just wait and she will take you to the meeting place k? Also, how is it over there in Korea, is work and living expenses ok?"

"Let's not talk about that stupid shit right now. I don't want it to bring down my mood. Alright, I'm going to go get ready! So TTYL!"

Shutting off my phone and jumping in the shower. I no longer felt tired but instead, I was filled with a sense of unimaginable joy.

As I was jamming out to my fav group NCT I heard the front door opening. Then keys being set down on the white marble counter. I tried to quickly get out of the shower and into my room. My sense of overwhelming impatience consuming me.

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