Begining of the Fan Meet

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You don't have to listen to the song that is in this chapter and enjoy!^^


We chatted up a storm, but soon it was time for the members to get into position for the Fan Meet to began. Jess smiled and waved as everyone left the room, but as soon as she saw Yuta she gave him a disgusted face and flipped him off. He scuffed and said something to her as he walked by, it was too quiet for me to hear what it was that he said. Her eyes went wide then anger like nonother seemed to take over it practically oozed off her.

I wanted to ask her what it was that he had said, but as quick as a whip she pulled out one of her hunting daggers. I almost knocked us both to the floor as I jumped on her to stop her from hurting him or worse. "JESSICA! DON'T! Whatever he said it's not worth getting apprehended here not to mention that the fans will never let you live and get away with hurting their idol. Just calm down Jess" She looked at me not saying anything then let out a deep sigh. " Yeah you're right he's not worth it. Plus getting caught here would be pretty lame huh?"

She shrugged her shoulders and began going to a hidden exit that the staff told us to use once the event started. I let out a sigh of relief and followed after her. Once out we came face to face with hundreds of thousands of fans, the auditorium was filled with so many people that I almost wanted to shirk back.

But then again why should I? I'm usually a very bold person, plus I already met them and spoke to the one on one so there is nothing to fear. Not only that but I got to keep an eye on Jess to make sure she doesn't kill someone in plain sight. I let out a sigh as I glance over at Jess, she seemed mellow maybe even uninterested in all actuality it was a little scary how calm she was.

I look over to see all our idols sitting and smiling they had all just started talking and answering questions. That was when I noticed that Taeyong was staring at me while making a cute face as if to make it seem as if it was just a flook but I knew it wasn't because our eyes had met.

My eyes widened in utter surprise, I looked right back at him and leaned over to whisper in Jess' ear "You see that too right?" only to find out that she was no longer standing beside me, in fact, I stood alone in the corner

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My eyes widened in utter surprise, I looked right back at him and leaned over to whisper in Jess' ear "You see that too right?" only to find out that she was no longer standing beside me, in fact, I stood alone in the corner. Panicked I looked around hoping to see her I caught sight of her near the entrance that the fans had come into she was on the phone and still making her way out. Right then I knew I had fucked up, I was supposed to go into work!

I then proceeded to make way towards the exit that I had come in from. It was the fastest way to ketchup with Jess. I took out my phone that had been on silent since leaving my apartment, only to find that I had 17 calls and 26 messages from both my boss and the work department. I began running to get out of here and to the company. I saw Jess standing near the reception desk still on the phone she looked rather annoyed. 

I ran up to her in a state of panic "Jess we need to go I totally spaced I need to get to work right now. I was supposed to be there hours ago!" She had hung up and nodded "well let's get out of here, I just got a call from my boss as well. Said that he was sorry that it was short notice but you know when people need others to disappear I'm the one they call." She then made her way towards the car and gestured me to follow after her. Once in the car she practically sped away.

On the way there I then proceeded to open up the messages:

5:40 pm- B: Are you on your way?

5:45 pm- B: f I were you I would be walking into that door right about now

5:45 pm- B: Hey dipshit are you ignoring me?

5:56 pm: B: Bitch I swear if you don't come in that door by 6 I'll fire your ass


The messages just continued to get worse the more I scroll so I just hit the power button so I wouldn't have to look at the screen anymore. It was now 11:56 pm, and I felt like curling up in a ball and cry I'm most likely gonna get chewed out and then kicked out the company.  

"Hey, at least if I get fired I don't have to answer to that bastard right?" Jess just scuffed and turned on the radio, Jakle, and Hyde from Five Figure Death Punch came on.

 Jess began singing her heart one jamming so hard I was afraid that she would knock herself out on the stirring wheel. I tried to calm myself down and jam out to the song as well. Well at least I got to meet my all-time bias, it was totally worth it.


Hey, guys, I'm back I know it has been a while and you all probably hate me at the moment, or just in general. But hey for those of you who are nice enough to forgive this piece of garbage  I thank you! Anywho I decided to post this chapter for al of you who have been waiting forever for this chapter. I apologize that it has been a long time but I have my own hardships to go through at the moment.

I promise that the next chapter will be better than this one. So please leave a like, comment and I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you all for reading!^^

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