5. Pretty boy

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Last class of the day. Finally! I don't know why but this day first day back was so long. I just wanna go home and watch Netflix. At least we're going in science. Science is my favorite subject at school. And I love the teacher. It shouldn't be that bad. The only sad thing about it is that I have no friends in this class. No one is seated next to me, so no one I can talk to.

The bell is about to ring and I'm already seated. I hear someone run in the hallway. Hehe. I love seeing people getting late to their class and see the teacher giving them a copy or even better a detention. I know I'm an horrible person.

I check the door to see who's gonna be the lucky one to get a copy. The bell rings and two seconds later I see a brown boy step inside the class trying to catch his breath. Wow this is even better than I imagined. Shawn Mendes getting a copy on his first day here.

« Are you the new student? » asks the teacher.

« Yes sir I am. Sorry I'm late but I couldn't find the class. »

« It's okay just go sit, um... »

The teachers looks around to class to see his options. Oh god. I know I'm the only one with nobody sitted next to me. I try to avoid all contact with Miss Genevieve.

« Ah There. Next to miss Price! » says the teacher pointing in my direction.

Damn it. He didn't get a copy and he sits next to me. This couldn't get any worse.

Shawn casually sits down on my right. I try to ignore the fact that he's there.

The class begin and everything is going fine.


« Okay class, there's 25 minutes left and I want you to do this assignment with the person next to you. Get to work »

Everyone starts moving their desks while the teacher distributes the sheets.

Great. I have to work with him.

« Umm.. I think we have to work together. »

« No we don't. I'll do my part and you'll do yours. Separately.»

« Actually Maddison,  Shawn's right. » I raise my head and see my teacher in front of me. I blush. I didn't know she heard us.

« But I work better alone. Are we really obligated? »

« Oh come on. It's not hard too work with a pretty boy like him. » she says and wink before going back to her desk.

I blush at her comment. Gosh I just want to disappear. I can see in the corner of my eyes Shawn smirking but I just ignore him. He puts his desk closer to mine.

« It won't be hard too work with a pretty boy like me! »

« I never said that you were pretty. »

« But I know you think it. » He says while looking at the assignment like if it was nothing. This boy makes me so angry and so uncomfortable. He just have this attitude like he doesn't care about anyone.

« Can you stop being mean for a sec ? »
I say getting more and more frustrated.

« Me being mean?! You're the one saying I'm not pretty! You should apologize! »

Okay that's it I'm just gonna ignore him.

« What's the answer at number one? »

I ignore him and continue to look at the board.

« Ooo. Silence treatment. I'm scared. »

After a while, Shane still hasn't answered any of the questions. I can see that he is  struggling. He's searching in his book and looking at the clock. Only 10 minutes left. I kind of feel bad for not helping him but he's mean.

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