Running Into You

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I'm gotta get through this, I'm gotta get through this

I gotta make it, gonna make, gonna make it through

I'm gotta get through this, I gotta get through this

I gotta take my, gotta take my mind off you


Sock was busier than ever the next week. He took two extra shifts clocking more hours just for the sake of keeping busy. If it wasn't for the fact Norris and Cleo were outdoor cats they might've not gotten feed enough. Sock ran himself haggard, sometimes not going to sleep until way pass two am.

Passed out on his desk he heard someone knocking on his door. Groaning, Sock sat up feeling a kink in his neck and his lower back killing him for sleeping in that position. Getting up, he shuffled his way toward the door rubbing his cheek where dried up spit was caked on. He really needed to come up with another plan that didn't include running himself to death from exhaustion. Sock still had some assignments he had to get through when he fell asleep.

Opening the door in his disheveled clothes he blinked at the purple haired stranger until he was able to register that it was Lil, his next door neighbor. She had short pixie hair, dyed purple, with three earrings on the shell of her left ear and one on her right brow. "Oh, I finally caught you."

He blinked at her. What was she doing here? She's never knocked on my door before. "Can I help you?"

"I didn't wake you, did I?" Lil said her eyes widening in anxiety. "Shit, I didn't mean to. It's just that around this time you're usually running out of your apartment and I thought maybe today I could catch you before you left."

Through her rambling Sock caught on to one thing. She wanted to talk to him about something if she made the effort to catch him. Looking towards the sky, Sock realized it was a lot later than he originally thought. "No, its fine. My back will thank you for waking me up. That desk isn't meant for sleep. Did you want to come in?"

"Are you sure it's no trouble? I was only going to take a second," Lil said lifting up the plastic bag she was holding. Sock didn't even realize she was holding something. God, I must be more tired than I thought. "I just wanted to return this."

Giving her a puzzled look because Sock was pretty sure she never borrowed anything of his he took the bag gently into his hands. "Thank you?"

She laughed, "I should be thanking you. I know it must've been really strange waking up to a stranger sleeping on your couch. Jonathan is usually better at aiming his drunken ass to my place. I don't know what he was thinking sneaking into yours."

"Jonathan, right," Sock replied remembering why he was sleep deprived in the first place. Lil was his friend... girlfriend? Sock couldn't remember anymore and wished he did so he wouldn't feel so uncomfortable in front of her. "Thanks for returning this. And sorry for troubling you in returning it. My schedule's been hectic."

"No problem, Jonathan told me you were in college." Lil shrugged pulling up another smile, "English major right?"


"Badass," Lil commented, "I could never do that. College never being my thing. Well, I'll get out of your hair." Waving her off Lil walked to her door, opening it and turned around, "Oh, and if you want to watch Sherlock with me just come knock. We can both fangirl together. And make theories about how Sherlock faked his death, alright?"

"Sure," Sock replied before closing his door resting behind it his heart thumping in his chest. I so did not need these complications in my life. Groaning to himself, Sock left the door tossing the bag holding the t-shirt by the couch. He'll eventually get around to cleaning up. Walking back into his room, Sock threw himself in bed praying for sleep but knew he had to finish his assignments. With a groan, Sock sat up and started his essay on Their Eyes Were Watching God.

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