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Don't put your lips up to my mouth and tell me you can't stay

Don't slip your hand under my shirt and tell me its okay

Don't say you love me cause you know you're gonna love me and leave

I can't be alone with you...


The next morning, Sock woke up alone. Naked but alone with his sheets up to his waist. He sat up slowly trying to orientate himself. Looking at the messy state that was his room, Sock tried to find signs of Jonathan and finding none. It could mean anything. Maybe he went to buy food just like that time he came by. Trying to recompense about sleeping on my couch.

But that didn't make sense, there was no need. Sock shrugged the dull ache in his chest and tugged on his discarded briefs and sweatpants from last night. When he went to look for his shirt he saw it in the hamper, soiled with last night's foray.

Well at least there's evidence that last night wasn't some—abide vivid—wet dream. But then the million dollar question was: where did Jonathan go? Sock went out into the living room seeing it empty. Jonathan wasn't in the kitchen, or the bathroom, or any other room in the apartment and Sock had to sit on the couch to hold himself together. Why did Jonathan run off on him?


Sock tried to keep his turmoil back while at work this morning and kept himself together at school, so by the time he got home he was a wreck. Big fat tears were rolling down his face as he clutched his chest trying to stop but failing. When the phone rang, he picked it up not knowing who it was since his eyesight was too blurry.

"You're welcome," Was the only greeting he got.

"Jojo?" he rasped trying to bypass the tightening in his throat.

"Oh shit, did I mess things up between you two because of the party?"

"What?" Sock asked rubbing the tears from his face as more took it place. "What are you talking about Jojo?"

"When I made them think we had sex in the bathroom, remember?" Jojo sighed worriedly, "Did Jonathan break it off because of me?"

"No?" Sock replied as he hiccupped. He had to look around his apartment trying to catalog what Jojo was saying. Was it really only two days ago when his birthday took place? It felt like a week ago.

"Then what? Why are you crying? What did that bastard do?" she asked indignant.

"Wait, is that why you cornered me in the bathroom? It was a ruse for him?"

Jojo puffed out a breath rolling her eyes, "Of course. I had to get him jealous enough to put the moves on you. That's why I was talking to him at the party. To get intel, so, what happened?"

"Fuck Jojo, I don't know!" Sock sobbed clutching his shirt. "He... he pretended not to know me. Even after... after we..."

"Jesus," she hissed, "He slept with you and then pulled that stunt? What an asshole." When Joane heard Sock sob harder quickly added, "I'm sorry."

"No, no, it-it's fine—I'm fine."

"No, you're not dude," she exhaled wishing she was over there to comfort him because he greatly needed a shoulder to cry on. "I'm really sorry. I thought he would nut up and ask you out or even get you laid not... not this."

"That's messed up Jojo," he sobbed-laughed rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. "I must be pathetic if I need my best friend to pretend to hook up with me just to get a guy's attention."

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