Hide n Seek

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Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide

Sometimes I'm scared of you

But all I really want is to hold you tight, treat you right

Be with you day and night, baby all I need is time


Sock was not there when Jonathan woke up that morning. He made breakfast and left instructions with what to do if the food was cold. There were two more ibuprofen pills waiting next to the TARDIS mug, away from Norris and Cleo's reach.

Sock hardly slept that night and was extremely relieved that he had a morning class he had to attend as his viable excuse on why he had left so early. But truthfully, Sock would've used any excuse not to face Jonathan and remember the kiss they shared.

Part of Sock didn't want to know why Jonathan kissed him. But it was probably really clear. He was his good 'friend'. So he didn't want to humiliate himself by asking. Hell, there was a good chance Jonathan didn't even remember it and Sock would rather act like it didn't happen.

At school, he walked across campus going through the quad as he marched his way to McIntosh Hall for his Creative Writing class. His professor was already there as she wrote on the whiteboard the lesson for today. Finding his normal seat, Sock pulled out his notebook and started writing notes until class started.

"Good morning class," Sock's professor, Ms. Providence, greeted smiling coyly. "I see some of you had a late night. I'm hoping most of it was due to the unreliable narrative short story I assigned last week."

There was a grumble of students moaning. Sock was one of them, he was having a bit of a difficult time on his final paper about that very subject. It didn't help that he had a drunk blond knocking on his door at midnight and kissing him off his feet. Maybe I should write about that. Because that is pretty unreliable stuff.

"Mr. Sowachowski, would you mind reading the next passage on common mistakes writers make in description writing?" Professor Providence asked. Sock could feel his face slowly blush as he realized he hadn't been paying attention and quickly looked back at his textbook to find the right section.

The rest of the class bled through until it ended and Sock started to make his way out when his professor called him back. "Yes ma'am?"

"Napoleon, I was wondering how your assignment was coming along. I've noticed you've seem to be struggling as of late. Is everything alright?" his professor asked concern clearly written on her face. Sock swallowed as he fiddled with his scarf that he put back on when he was leaving.

"Fine, everything is fine." He said trying to brush her concern aside, "Just tired is all. And hitting a bit of a writer's block."

"Well," she smiled, "the best way to combat that is by writing. Just write whatever you want, whatever comes to mind until that spark is back." Sock smiled warmly thanking his professor again before he left going to his next class all the way across campus.



"You," Lil said as she opened her door from her apartment grabbing his arm, "Get inside, I've been waiting impatiently for almost two hours for you to get back."

Sock's eyes grew large as he was hauled inside her place before she tugged his backpack off and removing his coat. She then pushed his shoulders telling him to make himself comfortable as she grabbed a bag of popcorn and putting it in the microwave. "What's happening?"

"We're hanging out." Lil answered matter-of-factly as she busied herself in her kitchen. This has been the first time Sock's been in her place and though they had the same layout—except hers was a mirror form of his—hers had a more cozy feel to it. Sure it was slightly messy but it looked very well lived in with its greens and purples and blue color patterns. The pictures hanging on the wall look like various people that resembled Lil.

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