(AU) School Work

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AU - Alternate Universe


You have always had a hard time in school. Reading was your worst subject, and ever since you were little you had a hard time articulating your words so you just decided to not talk in general. This was your senior year in school and you were ready to ditch all of your so called class mates.

You were walking down the hall to your next dreaded class English, when you were stopped by the counselor.

"Hey (y

). We have a new student here. His name is Thomas-"

"You can call me Tom." He smiled a pearly white grin and put his hand out for me to shake.


). And I'd love to take him around." You were really shy and surprised that came out of your mouth, but it might have something to do with his good looks and charm.

"Ok. Well, Tom have a lovely day." And off he went.

You stood there. "Well, what is your next class?"

"English 12. Are you in that class?"

"Yes, but I'm not too good at it. I have terrible reading skills and reading in front of the class bothers me."

"Well, I don't think it should when you have a beautiful smile." He winked at me and I took him to the English room.

------------------ An hour and a half later------------------------

You walk out of the class with a huge grin on your face. You left English feeling as if you have known Tom for years. He was truly going to be an amazing friend and you hope maybe one day more than that.

"HEY (Y\N)!! WAIT UP!!" You stop and turn around to see Tom running towards you with a piece of paper.

You giggle to see his ginger curly hair astray. "Yes Tom?"

"Here is my # just in case you know.. if you want... to tutor... or to hang... out?"

You write your # down. "I'd love to."

You walk away not realizing this was the day your life would change.

Tom Hiddleston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now