Chapter Six

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Charlie spent every lunch break she could with Ducky. She enjoyed the stories he would tell. Even if she had heard them a thousand times, she loved them none the less. But not once did she let on that she and Gibbs had a little tiff. If Ducky had found out, he would only say in his very polite way of an 'I told you so' before going to yell at Gibbs.

It took two weeks and three days before the team solved the case. Gibbs and Charlie hadn't spoken since their talk at Gibbs' car. It has been three weeks since they last spoke to be exact.

McGee was coming out of the little used book shop one night. Fumbling with his keys, he happened to look up and across the street. And at that moment he saw Charlie stepping out of a little restaurant with some guy.

The stranger leaned forward giving her a small peck on the lips. Charlie blushed as she stepped into the car that the valet opened for her.

"You guys I saw it with my own eyes. She was out on a date with another guy." McGee told the two other agents the next day.

"Gibbs must have done something." Tony pondered out loud.

"What makes you think Gibbs did it?" Ziva blurted out. Tony and McGee both looked at her quizzically, "Right, stupid question."

Gibbs had walked by, his usually coffee in hand, "What was a stupid question?" He asked.

They cried in unison 'nothing boss', Gibbs looked at them strangely from his desk. The three quickly went to their computers pretending to work.

The three agents kept sneaking looks at Gibbs all morning long.

Slamming his hands on his desk, "What?" He cried.

They fumbled with their words, trying to find the right ones to say. Gibbs shook his head and walked off.

After a long day, Gibbs stopped off to get some more coffee before the store closed. Coming out, he saw Charlie across the street. He saw her holding hands and laughing with some guy. He watched as the man wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Gibbs threw his unfinished coffee in the trash and left.

Charlie was sitting behind the counter of the flower shop with her headphones in, completely engrossed in her laptop. Gibbs stood at the front counter for a few minutes before she saw him.

Removing the headphones, "May I help you?" She inquired.

"Who was that last night?"

"Who was who last night?" Closing her laptop

"I saw you kissing some guy last night on Lexington."

Standing up, "You were spying on me?!"

"I was coming out of the coffee shop across the street when I saw you."

Her hands went to her hips, "Why do you care? I haven't heard from you in like three weeks."

Holding up his hands, "So we get in one little disagreement and we're over?"

Charlie threw her pen at him, "If I recall, you were being an ass. It wasn't like we were actually together, Mr. I-Like-To-Be-An-Ass-To-Everyone-Including-The-Chick-I'm interested in. You have a freaking team for that. Plus you had three weeks to find a way to apologize for being an ass to me." Gibbs placed the pen she threw at him back on the counter before leaving the flower shop.

When Ducky came home that night, he came home to his mother, Charlie and a man he didn't recognize playing cards.

"Hey Duck man. There is some food in the fridge for you. We ordered Chinese and got your favorite." Charlie laid her card down.

"Charlie, be polite." Her grandmother told her.

Setting her cards down, "Sorry grams. Duck man this is Lucas. Lucas this is my uncle Dr. Donald Mallard. But to me, he's the mighty Duck man himself."

They shook hands, "Charlie, I need a word with you. Alone please." Stepping into another room.

"I know. What about Gibbs?" Charlie said.

"And when were you going to tell me?" Crossing his arms.

Scratching her head, "Never. But this is what went down. It was when you caught that two-week case and Gibbs became irritated. I waited for him one night at his car. He got all pissy with me and I told him he didn't need to be an ass to me. Then I didn't hear from him for three weeks till he came by work yesterday."

"What have I told you?" Ducky moved to leave the room.

Charlie moved in front of him, "Don't. I took care of it. And he didn't hurt me in any way."

Ducky huffed, "But he was disrespectful to my niece."

She gave him a hug, "And I knew how Gibbs was and sort of works. I remembered every story you ever told me. Now come play UNO with us, grams is kicking our butts."

"She was always good at cards." Ducky laughed.

"Oh, and you'll like Lucas. He's a doc in training."

A/N: Reviews are most welcome. 

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