Historical Excerpts: The Execution of the Elves

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Concerning the Extinction of the Elves

—Circa 1113 ASf

Under no circumstances are any vessels to enter elvish waters. The chance of seeds tainted by verdai latching onto a ship's hull remains too great a gamble. The fate of the Kingdom Isles lies in the complete isolation of the fallen realm of Vel Chiliad. Any merchant or passenger vessel caught trespassing into the border waters of any of the Feylands is to be sunk on sight.

A fragment of an urgent dispatch circulated among all major agents in the Green Guild

They are a race of the vilest sinners and the greatest threat to mankind since the Starfall itself. The once noble clans of the elves have twisted their Grand Bane into an unimaginably foul art, one that teaches the very earth to rebel underfoot. No mercy shall be given to the survivors of their self-inflicted genocide.

Ask yourselves—do you want our flowers to belch poison gases, our rivers to run red with toxic algal blooms, and our orchards to bear thorns in place of fruit? The elvish people are now without homeland or hope of redemption.

Therefore, by order of the 14th Sarevali Emperor Tibral, a bounty is to be placed on the head of any elf seeking sanctuary in the Kingdom Isles. 100 marks for every man or woman, 50 marks for every child, and 25 for every babe. Payment is to be delivered only upon proof of death. The severed head is acceptable.

Writ of execution issued to the Sareval Navy

Dear Captain Hazlen,

Anyone older than the age of seven is unacceptable. Slaughter the undesirables before entering Albemarian territory or you will not be given permission to dock at the Port of Leona. You would do well to remember that an elf cannot unlearn dark verdai anymore than a toddler can go back to crawling after learning how to stand. Only the very youngest children are salvageable. Please understand that the Green Guild will not compensate you for your cargo unless it meets our most exacting standards.

Communiqué to the commercial vessel Riore from Green Guild Prime Minister Kage

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