Historical Excerpt: Isabeau's Pearls

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Exhibits A & B from the Albemarian Compendium of Royal Correspondences —Dated 1108 ASf

My Fairest Snow,

Forgive me for my informality, sweet Princess, but I hope you will let me address you on such familiar terms—I know I can never replace your mother. There is a secret space inside both you and your father's hearts where only Queen Isabeau may tread. I wouldn't even dare try! Besides, with the meager years separating our age, it would be ridiculous to play the part of mother, as I'm sure you will agree. But don't think of me as the Countess of Felgarde, either. Please try and consider me more as your elder sister—for I will always be on your side. I promise!

Now, as we are to be sisters we must share our most intimate confessions: I saw how your eyes fell at my betrothal banquet last night, though you bravely masked your hurt with that dear smile of yours. Nana Lune explained to me what this pearl barrette means to you. Your silly father shouldn't have given me such a treasured keepsake. You are my dearest dowry! Please wear the barrette in memory of your mother, and in the hope of our friendship.

With eternal affection,


Dear Countess,

You are far too kind to such an awkward creature as I am. I must apologize for my shameful lack of grace yesterday. But thank you, I can never truly repay you enough for your gift. I think we shall be sure friends—Estelle.

Sincerest Regards,


Exhibit C —Dated 1116 ASf


I cannot reward you richly enough for the stunning nature of Snow's death. One demure little bite taught her the torment of flame. Among all those who call themselves my servants, you have given me the greatest service of all. I will not forget the gift of the goblin fruit. For the first and only time in her petty life, the ice brat burned!

On a more trifling matter, have you found the wretched barrette among Snow's effects yet? My Rosavere always coveted it. I can't think why, it is a dull ornament. Isabeau was such a tasteless woman.

Queen Estelle

*SONG: "Private Reflection" by Kevin MacLeod

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