Chapter 4

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The pulling feeling was nauseating to say the least. I opened my eyes, somewhere in that blur of color and light I had closed them tightly, saw a brick wall in front of us, and proceeded to upchuck everything I have ingested in the last month. On my hands and knees, throwing up my lower intestines, I hear her giggle. She giggles at my wretched state.

"Don't worry, it happens to all of us the first time we apparate. You should have seen Blaise. I have never seen him so green in my life." She continues to giggle, hopefully at the memory of him and not my state. "Once you right yourself, let me know. Then the real fun will begin."

It took a few minutes of sheer embarrassing sickness before I could speak, and only then it was a toad-like sound coming from my mouth, "Where in fuck's sake are we?" I pull out a complimentary handkerchief that came with this set of glad rags when I bought them earlier today and wipe my mouth.

"It is a little bar I know. Probably too well. You may recognize some faces here. I know Blaise was a regular."

"You know a lot about my partner. How?"

Shrugging off the implication, "Like I said, we were supposed to be married. So our families had us around a lot. We became friends. It is why I didn't get upset when he and Tracey ran off."

Not letting up, I continue, "But you know about his life here?"

"Of course. Tracey was one of my best friends. I visited them a great deal out here," her haughty attitude from earlier returns. She actually reminds me of a prissy librarian or a looker of a teacher ready to scold me, not that either mental picture does any good for my straining slacks.

"Did you know about me?" I ask somewhat hopefully.

"Yes, Blaise told me about his arrogant partner that seems to live in a constant funk. He thought that being on the night shift made him colder. I can only assume he was talking about you." Her face softens, and the look is absolutely sinful, like she is is in some dream, one that I desire to be in with her. Now my mind wanders to what all Blaise did tell her, because I think there is more to the story deeply tucked away.

I finally feel right enough to stand, she offers me her hand in assistance, and when I shake her off she turns to the wall and taps out a pattern. One of the bricks slides aside like an old speakeasy's would, about her waist level, and two oversized yellow eyes look back at her.

"Yes" says the eyes in a squeaky voice.

"Miss Hermione Granger and a guest," is all she says in response.

"Miss Granger, we have been expecting you. Is your guest one of us?"

"He is, just unknowing. If you could have the good Professor meet us at my usual table, please."

"Of course. Please surrender your wand upon admittance."

"Of course." She makes it sound like it is nothing to her.

And then it hits me: "Damn, I knew there was something wrong with you," I mutter to myself. "No dame is this perfect."

She spins on me, "What is that supposed to mean?" The gold in her eyes blaze like small amber fires, directed at me.

"You're no broad. You're nothing but a daisy cat in bird's clothing." I state simply.

Her hair seems to take on an electricity that flares the angrier she gets. "Excuse you. I most certainly am a lady."

"Then what is this 'surrender your wand'?" I quip.

"It's just that." She pulls a piece of wood, something like a carved ornate stick, out of her small purse. Where that long rod was hiding in a bag that was barely as big as her hand, I don't know. "A wand. Welcome to my world Mister Malfoy. Or should I say our world."

The wall behind her faded away into an ornate stained glass marvel of a phoenix in flight. The reds, golds, and ambers glow from within. The bird itself looks to turn its head to look directly at us prior to opening.

"Mister Malfoy and Miss Granger, it is a pleasure to have you here. Mister Zabini is missed."

"That he is, Elphor," she looks down to where a creature with oversized ears and eyes that looks us both up and down, causing me to pause. "I can assume my table is ready."

"That it is m'lady. This way. The professor is waiting for you." This little creature leads the way through a dim, smoke filled bar with a couple of musicians on a blood red velvet lined stage.

"Mister Malfoy," she begins hopefully in explanation, "welcome to the Phoenix Room. Like I said, Blaise was a regular here. If you ever wondered where he got his questionable leads, it was probably here."

I nod dumbly, understanding. Blaise would leave work one day and come back the next with the case nearly solved by himself based on a 'lead'. It was not something I questioned after the first few brush offs but now I think I understand. This room is filled to the brim with questionable characters - some that don't even look entirely human.

I watch her follow the creature, well if I am totally honest I watch her backside as she sashays through the club to a seat in the back corner. It is a booth lined in the same dark red velvet that is on the stage, and a stout nance stood up, nodding. The creature turned to Miss Granger holding out its small hand with abnormally long, spindly fingers, expectantly. She hands over the piece of wood she showed me earlier for a claim ticket. Being something of a gentleman tonight, mostly because there is an audience, I help the lady with her stole, also handing it over to the little thing with bulging eyes.

With the disenfranchising creature gone, Miss Granger kisses the cheek of our other guest, 'the Professor' as she called him before sliding into the booth.

"Mister Malfoy," the man addresses me directly holding out his hand to shake, "it is a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance. Your extended family on the continent and I have a long history. I believe that you may know of your aunt Andromeda. She and I go very far back to when she was a young lady." I look at this quack with an eyebrow raised. It is all I can do in this situation. How does he know of my estranged aunt and what the hell does that have to do with me? "I am Professor Horace Slughorn."

"Professor," Miss Granger addresses the overstuffed goose to take his seat in the booth. "Mind if we ask you some questions?"

Giving her what looks to be a false smile, "Of course not Miss Granger. I am always available for my favorite students, and you are certainly on that list. How can I help you?" He waves over some doll and orders drinks for the table.

Granger waits until the waitress returns with the requested drinks, turning to me quietly, "It may be stronger than you are used to." I take a sip instead of downing the glass and understand her warning completely. It burns, but not in the same way as a good gin or bourbon. No, this is something called fire whiskey and it is just that - fire. Turning back to the Professor with a sly smirk on her tantalizing lips, "Tell me about the Silver Serpents."

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