Chapter 10

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I slept fitfully, my dreams filled with Granger. Granger in my bed. Granger and me in the future. She is the type of dame you settle down with. I am not the type to settle, but if I did, it would be with her. They were all vivid, in colors I haven't dreamt in years.

I looked like hell by the time I got into the office. This was something coffee wouldn't kick. I looked like I had been run over by a train at midnight and was left in pieces.

But that is how my life in general felt since the day she walked through my door.

I walk into my office, unlocking it from the outside, only to see the dame that has magically seduced me already seated in the chair that forever will be deemed hers. I might just keep the blasted thing when she leaves, because dames like this never stick around with putzes like me.

"You're late," she affirms.

"I had a bad night. Something I am not used to," I quip back.

"I don't like being made to wait like this. If it is your nature, I will ensure to change my own normal timeliness to accommodate your perpetual tardiness." Ah, there's the swotty side that I have learned is part of her.

"I do apologize, m'lady. I am not used to sleeping at night, you must understand. First, it was being a on the graveyard shift and then after, well Blaise, I just fell apart. My life hasn't been what someone would call normal in a long time." It just dawns on me that my life will never be normal again, and I don't know how I feel about it.

"I understand, honestly I do. I threw a lot at you at once. I felt the same way when I found out I was a witch. Then Blaise's family showed up and explained what is the norms for our world and offered for me to be his wife. It threw me and my whole family. Then, seven years of schooling in the magical world. It is a lot to take in and much of it I threw at you in the matter of days. But now I need to teach you to use your wand and protect yourself."

When she stood, I saw that she wore wide legged slacks and what looked to be a man's button down. Guessing that this is to make it easier for her to work with me, to teach me to use this wand.

My mind drifts back to the dark and seductive corners that holds what I really want to teach her about my existing wand work.

She worked with me all damn day. All day. I have not worked so hard since the academy. There was theory and so much practical. This dame is brilliant and a hot teacher. If there were more teachers like her in school, I may have paid closer attention.

By the time dinner came around we decided it was time to take our game up a notch and to the Serpents. She left for a couple of hours around six, and met me back at the office at half past eight.

The night was still early and there was no way to guess what laid ahead.

I was not expecting a blonde bombshell to walk through my door. Long blonde hair done in flowing curls. Blue eyes that twinkled. The face staring back at me was hers, though the hair and eyes were a near perfect representation of my own.

It would be what a kid of mine would look like if she was the mother.

Damn you, Blaise to hell and back. Now I am thinking about a life with this dame, a real life, a family... everything you had.

She struts in, not a care in the world. Not a care that we are going head first into the snake's pit. "How did you do that?" I question waving a hand around her hair and face.

"Well I couldn't do it magically, I can only assume that they have wards against appearance changing spells and the like. So I did it the muggle way - the hair is a wig, I have a friend that is in questionable employment here in the States that got me these contact lens things that are pieces of plastic that you put in your eyes to change the color."

Damn it, this will make my day job - if I could ever go back to the force - even harder.

I take in her attire: she is wearing an ice blue gown that looks like it could be made of ice. It is risque, you can see much of what lays underneath, except for a specific areas that only can make men's brains wander to what it is hiding beneath. It is a halter top that seems to slide low between her cleavage. It is floor length, but really how much does that matter when you have a visual of those gams of hers.

Me, I am dressed like a typical professional dick: dark suit, comfortable shoes, and my classic fedora. Nothing like the babe in front of me. She is the one going in, she told me not to worry but with her dressed to the nines like she is, I can't help myself.

All day she reminded me she fought in a war as a teenager and she can defend herself. She told me that what she taught me is what had her survive those years, one where she on the lam. She will be fine, it is me that she worries about.

We took a hack to Playa del Rey and found a place around the corner to be dropped off. It was something less suspicious, except for the hack driver who was asked to wait with me while the dish went into what looked like a run down warehouse.

The hack driver and I wagged the chin for what seemed to be hours about nothing much. The whole time my eyes never left the door to the club. The muggle hack driver saw a barely standing warehouse, I saw a brightly lit up club with blue green stained glass windows depicting mermaids swimming - actually moving from window to window. Magic is just so - magical.

By the time the dame came back to the hack, I was relieved. She asked me a random question - what is Blaise's middle name. Well that is something that very few people knew, he hated the name, something about it being a great uncle who was a real ass. But once I gave her the answer she took a deep breath, like she could relax for once.

"I can't say anything here, let's get somewhere safe. Your office?" Her look was one of near fear, a look that didn't do the dish anything good. I just nod. Before long we are making the track back towards the Valley and she has her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her as she shakes in silent tears.

We get in the office and she puts up wards to keep prying ears out and lock everything both the muggle way and magical.

"I found Crabbe and Goyle," she starts right off the bat. "It took a little persuasion but I got them to open up to me."

"What did you learn?" I lean back casually on my desk as she seats herself on that damned chair.

"I don't know if you would believe it if I told you."

"Darling, I have heard it all over the years, nothing will surprise me nowadays." It comes part and parcel with being a copper for as long as I have. You see the worst of society, you rarely see the good. Until she walked in; she typifies all things good in the world. We are light and dark, and standing here it is more pronounced than ever.

Her glassy brown eyes plead with me to believe her, "It wasn't the Serpents that put the hit on Blaise. It was Tracey."

My world just fell into a black abyss.

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