Welcome <3

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Hi readers, our names are Azuma and Kirakiraboshi. Thanks for reading on our book. This is a Haikyuu based fanfiction, however, we are only following part of the anime's plot. Hence why some things might be different. So here are some thingsss

- We try to update every 2 weeks.

- We welcome constructive criticism and suggestions.

- We wrote another book, Yurio x Reader, go check it out! (#selflesspromo)

We hope you enjoy reading this book, as much as we enjoy writing this! More updates are to come, and we will try to keep on schedule.

Please comment, we enjoy interacting with our readers. Plus don't forget to vote... please :)

-Ja Mate! Azuma and Kirakiraboshi. 

Oikawa Tooru X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now