where am I? where is everyone?

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I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes. It hurt to even squint. I looked Down to see bandages covering my ankles, wrists, and my head to. I had a major migraine that I didn't want to deal with at the at the moment.

Once my eyes finally adjusted I looked around to see I was strapped down to a hospital bed. I got a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach when I tried to move. I felt hot liquid burning my throat which caused me to gag. I noticed that none of the monitors were on at the moment, wondering what that was about. I eventually gained some strength an stretched the bed strap enough to get my arm out. My arm burned from pulling my arm from the tight rubber strap, I ignored the burning long enough to unbuckle the strap. After messing with it for what seemed like years I rose up in relief. I scooted towards the bottom where my feet were tied to the opposite corners of the bed. Looking at it made my stomach hurt even worse. After getting my feet untied I gladly got of the bed. I felt a cool breeze coming in, in random spots of my clothes. It felt good but have me goose bumps. I found my duffle bag in a dusty old chair in the corner. I unzipped or am my fun fell out and when off as soon as it hot the floor. I jumped a little hoping the bullet wouldn't hire but instead went through a door. I picked up my gun a laid it on the window sill, I glanced out the window an walked back to my bag. I pulled out a olive green muscle shirt an draped it across the back of the chair, the shirt I was wearing was to messed up to leave in. Although, I couldn't recall anything before I woke up. I put my boots on, grabbed my fun am bag an slowly walked toward the door. I noticed there was a clipboard on the table so I picked it up..

"Name: Jesse Johnson

Age: unknown

Weight: 164 lbs.

Facts: Was found in the middle of a large ditch where an explosion took place on a building.

Monitor report: patient seems dead but has a heart beat."

I should be dead right now...or am I? I pinched my side to see an it hurt. I felt a little awkward....like I was being watched. So I hurriedly walked out of my hospital room. I seen no one. "hello?" I yelled. My voice echoed off the hallway walls. This place was weird. I seen a black cloud coming out of a room at the other end of the hall. I started walking toward the black cloud an as I got closer a heard voices whispering. I couldn't make out what they were saying but it seemed to get more tense the further I walked Down the hallway. I stopped when the black cloud started coming to me. I started to walk backwards but the more I did that the faster it at me. So I started running, which impasse it angry. I didn't know what floor I was on but I d I'd it anyways.... I ram for the nearest window which was at the end of the hallway. On the way towards it I grabbed a chair an put the seat on the top of my head chemo got close enough I jumped for it. The legs I the chair broke through the glass guarding my head. When I opened my eyes I realized I was six floors up. I wanted to acre but I couldn't. I pushed the chair away that way I wouldn't fall onto it but instead I fell into a dumpster am I guess I hit it so hard the lid flung shut. Iaid there for a moment then I realized I was being lifted. I struggles to stay still not I managed to the the top open. I saw myself getting dumped into a giant trash been. Everything went black an I couldn't see anything then something hit the injured spot on my head. My vision never blurry, I couldn't tell what was a about to happen it felt liked I was flying. Then the dumpster smashed on the concrete, the whole thing fell apart. I stood up an looked around. The places looked like hell. Buildings were smashed an the was giant pit holes taking up half of the road. It looked like a war zone. I decided to start walking. I don't know where bet I have nothing better to do. I ended up in a small neighborhood after walking for what seemed like an hour. I hadn't Rt been paying attention to the houses until I came upon a small cream colored house, it was only one floor an had a huge window in the front. No one seemed to be home but I knocked just to make sure of that. Noises kept coming from behind me. Ignoring it, I walked into the house. As i turned to shut the door I noticed a fury human like creature running at me. Slamming the door seemed to be the first instinct that come to mind. Searching through the house I came upon done pictures realizing this was my home. I walked into the kitchen first noticing how shiny the marble counters were. They were beautiful though, a shade of dark green. I seen someone sitting in a chair by the table. "hey baby" the blonde man said. I looked around a bit confused but when I looked back he wasn't There. Thinking about the wound on my head I didn't bother with it. Searching the house some more I found my bedroom. Something felt odd as I walked in. I felt so confused. I didn't know where everyone was at. Was I the only left? I turned the TV on an the news was on. Maybe they'll talk about where I am an what's going on. "bodkin the town on the boarder I 3 states, Ohio,Indianapolis, and Kentucky has had an outrage. Officials think a mutation was involved. A few years ago a scientist in the small town discovered a mutation chemical. Everyone abandoned town after it became a popular destination to travel to. Some say the place is crazy some say demonic. I'm Trisha tokanowa" I can't believe this. A bad smell flooded my room an caused my to black out.

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