am i too judmental?

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After your first love, everything changes. It's not just the for the feeling changing you but also the consequences. Don't get me wrong I'm a crazy romantic, I guess after you lose that first love, every wall you break down for them creates a new one. For me my first love never loved me. Trying to move on makes you want to forgetting your past, or creating these expectations for every relationship to come, to avoid heartbreak. "My guy has to have money or a steady job" or, "He has to be predictable, or not make em feel like I'm being played." Right? For me I just want a guy to love me, more importantly, I want to love him. I don't want a perfect man. My life is anything but, I hate how after your first love, love takes the back seat. Unlike the others, I cant live like that. Everyone's like "Taylor have priority's, don't disrespect elders, Be a certain way."
But I can't keep living like some perfect soul. I don't wanna be crazy sinful but I think it's time for me to start acting out a bit, within reason. Just because someone's older than you don't mean they're right, elders have no problem correcting youth, even when they know there argument is irrelevant. It's just human to be wrong. As a society, we need to start embracing this, give our kids a say, emit your wrong. that's what I do. How I see it is that there's nothing wrong with being wrong, pride is so strong, we make ourselves feel like we need to be right all the time. I think as long as we aren't mean or obnoxious we should be able to correct older people. Maybe it's just me but I feel don't get to have a opinion because of our age.

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