my life

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I hate how every time before a quarter ends, or before break teachers load us up with work. the problem with me is that I dont want to fail geometry. I have a 75%, believe it or not, it's the best I've ever gotten in math.
trying to have a personal life and keep your GPA up is crazy tiring. usually one gives.
on another completely unrelated topic, lately I',ve just been ready to fall in love again. I'll truly never be over sal, you never  get over your first love, but I want to love again. a true feeling that is even better than him. I just hate how everyone tries to put love I timeline. I don't know,  maybe i just don't want to live with any regrets.
while getting on the bus I frantically opened my phone, trying to get some personal time before class. by that, I mean texting Stevie terrible inside jokes and checking my insta feed.
suddenly there came a text from Nick, in a blue speech box it read "how's your class with Jay?"
I smiled as I read it, finally, I sent "he's good, he gives me some answers :3."
nick quickly answered,
"me too"
surprised I typed "you too?"
usually, he's not that type of person to copy other people's homework.
another message arrived, it said "get on my level"
me answering "but I am if you get answers too"
one last text arrived"yeah, but the difference between you and me is that I get a 98% in that class."
my spirit smirked at that remark. closing the app I returned to my feed until the bus stopped at the school. getting out I headed to the iron, bulletproof glass door with all the other students.
as I entered the school Ella and I started chatting about our newest story ideas and her roleplays. Ella did a lot online roleplays after school on video game servers, mostly Minecraft. don't ask me how but somehow her and her friends staged a animal hiest last night.
while we walked down north hall  We stopped at the row of beige lockers next to Mr. Jose's English class, one being hers.
"Ella, are you ready for the math test in Mr. Matthews?"
taking off the heavy backpack Ella answered, "I hope, I'm ok in his class but I think I'll be ok,"
She fixed her long black poney take from her coat. after I threw my backpack on the floor, afterword I started taking off my jacket,  shoved it in the 2nd biggest part of my Galaxy print backpack. I did this daily due to I hated going to my locker all the time. in my case, I never went to my locker.
I responded, "the end of the quarter terrible they either slam us with work or a big test." 
as we finished getting out stuff together, we started strolling down the hall, like we always do to kill time before class. I noticed as we walked there were new posters on the wall, they were just big pieces thin sheet paper with strokes of silver paint spelling out student fundraisers and the upcoming prom.
when we got to the end of South hall Ella and me noticed Nick organizing his locker, next to a few other kids he shares a row with doing the same to theirs. Ella smirked as she looked at me, I could tell she had a idea. as we approached the brown haired guy, Ella decided to jump out at him. the kids next to him were more confused than scared. he was unfazed by her attempt to scare him.
"hey Ella "
"are you kidding me nick, you didn't get scared."
he stared at me with a sarcastic scowl on his face.
"you should be the one that's scared."
Nick then staired at me for a good minute.
I stared back.
his eyes were green like mine, full of life and that darkness I love about him.
after Ella and he chatted about her roleplay ( that he's also part of) we all stared talking about all our tests coming up.
as we left I looked back at him.
ever since Sal started believing I was invisible,  nick and I developed a strong friendship. to be honest he makes me feel real. like there's still guys who won't desert me or use me.
I won't even talk to sal anymore.
like I said before, it's funny after you get heartbroken, you try everything to move on. it's not like I'm friends with nick to move on, our friendships true, unlike sales. when you get heartbroken everything you knew that mattered in a relationship gets lost. when I first fell in love with him, the most important thing to me was that love. I didn't care if he used me, or if he broke my heart.
which he did.
I had my priorities, but now it seems that my priorities are even higher now.
it's crazy how time passes and makes you a bit more resentful.
at least that for me.
after we ran down the stares me and Ella waited at the sophomore cafe. As we turned the conor to enter we noticed on the white brick wall in front of the office, there were our PSAT sheets, telling us where to go on testing day.
uninterested I gazed at the sheet, examining the room I was assigned to.
"yay, Taylor I'm not testing with anyone I hate."
I looked up at Ella, realizing the date.
it was the day after my birthday. the day I was planning on taking off.
"nu Ella it's the day after my birthday, I was planning on taking it off." Ella glanced at me.
"at least it's not on your birthday"
as we entered the cafe our clique was waiting for us at our faux wood table. as I pass the ramp leading to the sunken area on the left side of the room, I noticed him. sal. sitting with his girlfriend, necking each other as I there were no one else  He stroked Her short red hair,
I looked away so he wouldn't see me looking. Mostly so he'd won't think I'm a creep. I honestly don't care but I dont know, I still like to see him I guess. that is when he's not using me or being annoying.
as we arrived at our table me and Stevie started joking around about our day, and our PSAT.
"bestie I don't wanna go to the PSAT after Easter recess, it's on the day after my birthday."
Stevie looked up from her phone, brushing her dark hair out of her eyes.
"no, Taylor, it's on your birthday?"
"it's the day after, but I wanted to play hooky"
"at least you can see your true love after your birthday"
stevie had a smirk on her face.
"I don't like nick like that" I answered. now I was smirking.
as she noticed something behind me, her voice became very sarcastic. yelling  she said, "unlike some people!!!"
knowing that's what we do when people were sarcastic towards arrive, I looked over my shoulder.
I don't know why I was so shocked.
as predicted by everyone, it was sal and his girlfriend.

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