summer 😍😂👐🔥

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That summer somehow someone actually gave me my "First job", I dont question them. Sal usually texted me every day. One day in late July we decided to get together, we hung at the nearest park closest to his work. There we just talked until the sun whent down. Me and Sal pretty much just talked the whole time. I missed having him in m life. Even if it's just friendship.
That fall I didn't have Stevie to talk to anymore at school because of her moving and switching districts. Before school started on labor day me and her when to the Riverset mall together. There we just shopped for school until we were broke. As we strolled in JC Penney and looked through the clothes we talked aimlessly about everything.
"So Taylor how's Sal?"
I looked up from my browsing t-shirts on the rack.
"He's good I think, he talks to me every day."
She stared at me for a few minutes.
"What? Dang."
Approaching a Tokyo crop top I looked at the sizes.
"Don't worry I'm not gonna let anything happen."
Stevie picked up her size in the shirt.
"He better not or I'll come to that school and throw him in the trash."
my face smirked as I took the shirt off the rack.
"He's not already in the trash?"
Me and Stevie suddenly started laughing. as we continued downtown shirt isle I found a floral faux silk shirt.
I'm not even gonna look at the price tag.
As we continued our way through the rack she replied, "But I just don't want you to fall for him again and then get heartbroken."
Putting back a garment I glanced at her.
"Don't worry, I won't let that happen."
As we checked out and left the store we headed for the food court. I was pretty excited over my choices in outfits. Mostly consisting in feminine styles and street clothes.
The food court was pretty big compared to normal ones in smaller malls. Riverset was a richer mall, a lot of wealthy people shopped there. The mall's atmosphere was what you'd expect. Big glass ceilings and modern architecture. Ironic that a glass ceiling is on a expensive mall.
The restraints we're lined on a big circle. We approached the closest one which was a pizza place.
The line was short, there was only one person on front of us. As we when into the counter the customer in front of us got out of line with his tray of food and headed toward the sitting area.
He was a shortish teen that wore all white tee shirt and sweats, which made his brownish hair pop.
Damn have I seen him before?
As me and Stevie approached the counter we both ordered a plane slice. When we walked over to the closest free steel table which was a about 2 yards from the guy who stood in front of us.
Suddenly before I started to eat my Pizza I saw someone approach our table out of the corner of my eye. As I looked up I knew his friend looked fimilure. Staring at us it was Nick.
The rest of the day we hung with him and the guy in all white which is actually his cousin.
No wounder they looked alike.
Damn two Nick's?
As we exited Stevie's mom was waiting on the pickup lane for her. We hugged goodbye. As I waited for my mom for some reason nick decided to wait with me. apparently, it's a "bad neighborhood." But the only thing someone would want with me in reverse is my shopping bags.
or a possible abduction by some right Creep who wants to give me a rich makeover.
On second thought, that's scarier than some fashion police.
Waiting in the pickup lane with Nick was interesting. Me and him talked about what classes we were assigned, and what we'd do to each other when we got back.
Earlier that summer I realized that Nick is like sal in the feelings column. Before school ended he showed me he wanted space. I don care about that it's just he doesn't really care as much as I previously thought.
"Taylor, I'm sorry about the last week of school, how we were."
I stared onto his eyes.
"You know you hurt me. I don't care nick it's just that..."
I paused.
"......I thought we were more than that."
Stepping back a bit sal looked at me like his heart broke.
"Yea I know, it's just that what you said also upset me, your opinion isn't moral."
He did not just got here with me.
"Moral? nothing's moral in the circumstance, shit happens, and the fact that you said my opinions not 'right' makes me even more upset."
Looking a bit more defensive he a step forward.
The few minutes he slowly got closer to me. As my mom pulled up he was about a inch away.
Taking a step away I replied, "this is me, thanks for waiting with me."
He looked voulentlrable. There was a awkward silence for like two minutes. The thought crossed my mind.
Damn, is he wanting to kiss me?
This would be my first kiss.
Do I want this? Do I wat him be my first?
Just as I as going to lean in my mom honked the horn, letting me know she's here.
Finally, I leaned away and headed for the car, as I opened the door I turned back to him, embarrassed he slowly started to walk away.
"Thanks, nick"
He turned back.
"No problem."
Nick smiled and continued walking.
As I got in the car I saw my mom's face, silently freaking out about what just happened.
"Don't worry it's not like that."
She smiled at me.
"Ok, sure"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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