Were gonna slumber it

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*Kaliya's POV*
I woke up to Stefan fast asleep next to me. I turn and check what time it is on the clock on my night stand. 2:00 PM it said in big bright lights. 

"Stefan." I say while shaking my brother.

"Hmph." He states stirring out of his sleep wrapping an arm around me like when we were kids.

"Stefan get up its 2 in the afternoon. You still have to call and let everyone know were having a slumber party." I whined until he finally got up.

"Okay,I'm up." He replied grabbing his phone facetiming everyone in one big group chat. "Guys Kaliya is having a slumber party tonight and is inviting all of you even the guys." Stefan told them.

"Yeah were going to have so much fun. We can raid Damon's Bourban stash and buy snacks and pizza." I joined in giggling.


Stefan and I chuckle,little does he know it's all getting drank.

"Were in!" They all replied ecstatically.

"Great! See you guys at 6." I  smiled.
*4hrs later..*
I went downstairs in Stefans shirt and sweatpants to get a blood bag before everyone arrives. As I was enjoying it the girls arrived first.

"Hey lovelies!" I greeted Elena,Bonnie, and Caroline.

"Hey Liya!" They all greeted back.

"The boys should be here--" I was cut off as the boys came in the house.

"Here now." Ric chuckled.

"Finally,the snacks,bourbon and pizza are in the kitchen. You all can change into Pj's before we start." I giggled.

"Okay sounds like a plan gorgeous." Ric replied for everyone.

I blushed.

They all went to go change into their pj's while I gathered the snacks,bourbon and pizza struggling to carry them into the living room.

"Stefan a little help here." I told Stefan.

He walked up to me a d grabbed the pizza placing it on the table in the living room. I noticed he wasn't in pj's.

"Steffy why aren't you in pj's?" I asked him.

"I haven't gotten to my room yet,the guys are changing in there." He replied.

"Oh okay. Well is Damon changing too?" I asked Stefan.

"I already did sister." Damon answered for him walking down the stairs in a twilight shirt and sweatpants.

I stifled a laugh while Stefan just let it out.

"What's all the laughing about?" Caroline asked coming downstairs with the others in tow.

"Damon's shirt" I said in between laughs. Damon glared at us playfully.

"What? I've always been a sucker for twilight. Go team Jacob." Damon replied in a playful tone.

"Okay. Let's get this party started!" I yelled turning on Bon Jovi's "Living on a prair" dancing and singing along.

"Oh were halfway there. Woah oh living on a prair. LIVING ON A PRAIR!!!" Stefan and I sang at the top of our lungs.

I then turned on Aj Mitchell's "Used to be" walking towards Ric.

"Dance with me Ric?" I asked.

"Of course Liya." Ric replied.

He then grabbed my hand and twirled me taking me to the middle of the living room. I placed one hand in his and the other on his shoulder while he placed his hand that wasn't in mine on my waist. I quitlet sang along to the song.

"I keep walking,I keep talking to every cute girl I see. I keep looking, I keep searching for the girl that you used to be. But after all this. You were loving me,hating me,telling me your my baby,calling me telling me everything that you have just been through.  And I said okay my baby everything will be alright I'll never let you out my sight. Cause I'll hold in my arms so tight and I won't let go." I sang

"You have an amazing voice Kaliya." He looked down at me and smiled.

"Thanks Alaric." I looked down blushing.

"Dont hide..you look cute when you blush." Ric said putting a finger under my chin lifting my head up.

"Ric.." I whispered so only he could hear.

"Kaliya..will you go on a date with me?" Ric asked.

"Yes. Yes of course I'll go on a date with you. I'm not gonna lie I fancy you very much." I replied truthfully.

"I've felt the same way since I first met you." Ric stated.

"But what about the baby? Is he/she going to be a problem for you?" I asked nervously.

"No,if anything I would gladly step up and be in their life. If you'd have me?" Ric answered.

"If we work out then I would very much like that." I smiled.

He smiled back, leaning in kissing me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. His hands grabbed my face deepening the kiss. Someome made a coughing noise and we pulled apart sending who it was.

"I see you guys are happy together,just dont hurt her like Klaus did okay Ric?" Stefan asked.

"I won't. I promise you Stefan. Her heart is meant to be protected bit broken. And I will help her take care of this child." Ric replied.

"Good. She needs someone like you Ric. Take good care of her and my niece or nephew." Stefan stated. Damon agreeing.

"With pleasure." Ric said looking down at me smiling. I smiled back.

"Okay everyone movies and snacks in my room. Were crashing in their." I stated turning off the music heading towards the stairs.

"You coming?" I asked holding my hand out towards Ric.

"With you I'd go anywhere." He replied grabbing my hand following everyone upstairs into my room.

Once we got upstairs I let go of Ric's hand and walked over to my movie collection picking out "Forever my girl","Annabelle's Creation",and "The Greatest Showman".
"I have three movies which one do you want to watch first? Forever my girl,Annabell's Creation or The Greatest Showmna?" I asked them.

"Annabelle's Creation," The boys answered.  Of course I thought.

"The Greatest Showman" Us girls voted. We all looked at the boys with pouty faces.

"Pleaseeee" We begged with our puppy dog eyes.

"How can I resist that cute face. We'll watch that one first." Ric voted. The boys soon agreed not being able to resist our puppy faces.

I went to my Xbox and put it in. After pressing play I went and laid down with Ric.

*skip after all the movies*
Everyone was asleep and I was laying on Rics chest talking about our date.

"When are we going on this date Ric?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow,if that's okay with you?" He replied.

"Sounds great. I'll be here and ready." I replied drifting to sleep.

"Sweet dreams babygirl." I hear Ric say before I fall asleep.

"Night Ric." I reply yawning falling asleep.

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