Chapter 5: Chicago Is So Two Years Ago (Jordan's Perspective)

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We get outside and Dan walks towards my car.

"How do you know which one's my car?"

"I know what everyone's car looks like and yours is the odd one out."

"Oh, should've thought of that."

"Yeah, so I'm driving since I kind of know Los Angeles."

"For once you have a good idea." That sounded a bit mean, I shouldn't have said that.

"Jordan, baby-" Hold up, he did not just call me baby. I scoff and roll my eyes at him.

"This is only one of many great ideas since we've met. There will be more." Whatever. Why are we still standing outside the car?

"Whatever floats your goat, Daniel. Can we get in the car now? We can argue in there."

"Yes, we can, Jordan." So we got in the car and we're still in the driveway. Danny's stalling by looking at all my CD's. "Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Foster The People, every Strokes album... Jesus, Jordan. I can tell what bands are your favourite."

"That obvious, huh?"

"Um, yeah. Here I'll let you pick." Woah, no. That's not the rules in my car buddy boy.

"Um, no. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."

"Haha, where'd you come up with that?"

"It's a from a show called Supernatural."

"Oh, I see. Well, since Fall Out Boy has the most CD's in here, let's listen to their first album. I have no idea which one that is so, if you could please put that in, while I finally drive us out of here, that'd be great." I guess. He said please so I should.

"Yeah, I don't have their very first one on CD but I have their very first official studio album."

"Well, you're very specific, aren't you? Just the first album you have."

"Mmkay. It's called Take This To Your Grave."

"Sounds good so far... Um, so we should like talk."

"We are."

"Well no shit, Sherlock. I meant like to get to know each other."

"Oh. Well, I'm not very good at that so you can start it off."

"Fine. Um, your name. Like your full name." Easy question.

"Jordan Greyson Quintel. You?"

"Leigh Daniel Avidan."

"Wait, so Daniel's your middle name?"

"Yeah, but I've always gone by Daniel, Danny, Dan. It seemed to suit me better than Leigh. Besides even my parents called me by Dan."

"Oh. Yeah, Daniel definitely suits you more than Leigh. As you can tell, my parents I guess wanted a boy..."

"Well I like your name. It's different."

"Yeah, yours too. So, let's see if we have an age difference. Birthdays."

"March 14, 1979. You?"

"You already graduated when I was a freshman. Also, birth month buddy. March 31st, 1984." We have a five year age difference... He looks like he could pull off being born in '84 too.

"March is the best month to be born in." Yes, it is.

"Yep. Oh dude look, there's an In N' Out, we should eat there. It's open!"

"Jordan Greyson, you read my mind."

"Leigh Daniel, you have a good taste in food." We parked and got out the car. He offers to pay but I argue with him and I got to pay.

"Ahh, this is so good. I haven't eaten a full meal in like a week since I moved out here."

"Where'd you move from anyways?"

"Chicago. I miss it but L.A. is where I need to be."

"Oh, do you like have a boyfriend here or what?"

"No, I'm single as a pringle, but I moved out here for my YouTube career. I was supposed move two years ago but as you can tell I didn't."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm moving here next month from New York. Same deal basically, even about being single."

"Wow, New York. I've never been."

"It's nice. You should visit it sometime. Maybe I could show you around if you come like in two weeks."

"Maybe. Depends if I'm all settled in and back into a routine. I have to go back to Chicago in like a week, maybe you could come and I'll show you around."

"Maybe, and I'll help you finish packing up."

"Well, I'm done packing and all my crap is here. I'm going back for a concert. I bought the tickets and completely spaced about me moving."

"Lemme guess, it's one of those bands in your car?"

"Fall Out Boy. It's a birthday present from my friend."

"Well, I'll have to be there when you're there. I want to see them and I also want to check out Chicago."

"Same with New York."

"Then it's a deal. I go to Chicago next week and you come to NYC in two weeks." Did I seriously agree to this?

"Yeah, definite deal." Looks like I'm going to New York... We finish and Dan decided he wants to roam around to find a Wal-Mart.

"Dan, you just passed a Wal-Mart."

"Yeah, I decided I want to go that Target over there." He runs in and out quickly.

"Whats in the bag?"

"Skittles, two 2 liters of Pepsi's, and a Starbucks coffee thingy. One of the Pepsi's is yours along with the coffee."

"Thanks, Dan... It's like 4am, I think we should head back." I don't want to, it's been fun but in all honesty, we should go back.

"We'll just wake them, let's go to your place and hang." I look at him with a concerning look.

"Fine, let me drive."

"All yours, captain."

"Thanks, sailor." Onto Jordan's messy house we go...

(Author's Note: How are you guys liking it so far? Hopefully I'm writing this well. Again, some things don't mix in real life but here they do. It's my story. So therefore they'll mix. Again, all POSTIVE feedback is appreciated! Thanks a bunch again, and enjoy the rest of the adventures of Jordan and Danny!)

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