Chapter 17: Hot Mess (Dan's Perspective)

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We arrive at the restaurant and it's just a Hard Rock. Apparently Jordan had the same idea as me cause once she realized where we were at she scoffed.

"What?" Leslie said with attitude.

"A Hard Rock? The way you made it sound when you said we had a reservation I thought we were going some place fancy."

"It's the new one they just built. So in a way it's fancy." Leslie explained as we all got out of the car.

"Not my idea of fancy." I said. Jordan laughs and looks at Leslie who doesn't seem to appreciate our sense of humour so Jordan stops laughing.

"Shall we go in then?" I said looking over at Jordan.

"Yeah, let us go into The Hard Rock Café of fanciness."

"You guys are really immature."

"Oh c'mon it's just a joke." She rolls her eyes at me and we go inside. There's a line so we can't just cut. I look around and I notice that there's a bunch of Strokes pictures and albums so I turn to Jordan.

"Hey look up there."

"Oh. My. God. This place truly is fancy."

"What are you guys looking at?" Leslie looks at what we're looking at and doesn't seem impressed.

"What? Not a fan of The Strokes, Leslie?" She looks away ignoring me and I see Jordan taking pictures of the little collection. Finally the line starts moving. Once we get to the front of the line, Leslie checks us in and we get seated. Around us there's Beach Boys memorabilia which makes Jordan smile really big.

"Let me guess, Beach Boys are another favourite?"

"Yes. My first record was Pet Sounds."

"The reason why I can only listen to Wouldn't It Be Nice in Bubble Boy and 50 First Dates."

"Whatever. You're just not a fan of older music."

"Well I stand by my assumption. Jordan, your music taste is still good." We order our food and it feels like literally forever. This is worse than last night's wait.

"So Dan how'd you meet Jordan?"

"At a friends house. We have mutual friends in common so..."

"Okay, I gotcha. What do you do? Do you make videos like Jordan?"

"Kind of. I'm going to actually start doing what Jordan does in about a month. I'm a musician and I post my band's videos on YouTube." Jordan hides her face in the drink menu so she doesn't laugh.

"What's your bands name?" Jordan starts chuckling, still hiding her face.

"What's so funny? God, you can be so childish sometimes. It's rude. Sorry, what's your band's name again?" Leslie snapped.

"No leave her. She's fine. It's called Ninja Sex Party. We're a comedy band from New York." Leslie's face turns blank and Jordan starts laughing quietly.

"I knew that'd be your initial reaction!" Jordan told Leslie. Leslie stays silent till our food comes. Which isn't that long. We eat and it's mostly just Jordan and I talking with Leslie interrupting here and there.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Leslie blurts out.

"Um just the usual breakup plans. Go out, dance, you're drinking. Dan's gonna be my fake boyfriend so I don't get hit on by creeps like usual."

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