Chapter 16: Out Of My League (Dan's Perspective)

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"Dan? Dan please wake up." Jordan's shaking me until I actually wake up.

"Yeah, I'm up. I'm up. What's wrong?"

"I need to go pick up my friend from the airport, the one who lives here. Yeah, stuff happened I'll tell you later, but I need to put my stuff in here and I need you to come with me."

"Yeah, okay. Wait, why do I need to go?"

"Just can you please come with me? I'm not in the mood for her yelling fits just yet. I'll deal with that tonight when we go out."

"Oh, sure I'll go."

"Thank you so much!" She hugs me and left to get her stuff. I got up, got ready and then went into the kitchen.

"It's still dark outside."

"I know." She rolled her eyes at the ground and opened the door.

"Let's go." I walk towards her car and we both get in.

"Did this happen often with her?"

"You have no idea. Taylor Swift cannot compete with Leslie."

"Holy shit."

"Exactly. Then I take her out on a night on the town. Make sure she drinks so she forgets about the guy or cries till she passes out. I've got this routine down."

"At least you support her."

"I guess so. Want to come with tonight? Or do you want a night to yourself at the apartment?"

"I'll go since I have nothing to do. I'd be pretty bored." I made her smile. I think I gave her a sense of relief.

"Be prepared to handle a drunk heart broken white girl."

"Can't be much harder than the movies."

"You'll be surprised." She pulls into the airport parking lot and calls her friend.

"Hey, we're here... No, in your car... You're gonna have to get in the back... I told you why... I don't care just get in the damn car... You can have shotgun tonight... Kay bye." She hangs up and puts her head against the wheel.

"That bad?"

"I will not miss this." I see a girl walk towards the car. I'm guessing Leslie. She puts her bags in the trunk and gets in the car.

"You couldn't have gotten me from inside?"

"No Leslie, I couldn't. It's too damn early and I have a good friend with me."

"Yeah, yeah. Hi I'm Leslie." She tells me.

"Dan." We drive back to the house not in complete silence. Leslie complaining about her ex and Jordan giving me funny faces to whatever Leslie said. I got out my phone and decided to just text Jordan.

Me: I wouldn't miss this either. (5:12am)

She looks at her phone and laughs.

"What's so funny? My breakup?" Leslie got all defensive.

"No I got a message."

"Oh." She looked back out the window.

Jordan: Only three more days then I don't have to deal with this for a long while. (5:12am)

Me: Three? Don't you mean four? (5:13am)

Jordan: I'm changing it to three. Trust me. I'll reimburse you. (5:13am)

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now