Chapter 24: Party of Three (Jordan's Perspective)

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"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"Yes, I did this to my car and Leslie's."

"Who's Leslie?"

"Her old roommate back in Chicago."

"Oh." Brian said losing interest in that conversation.

"Yep." Just need to put this wire into place and we're almost done. There, just need to put the radio in and BAM! Perfect, you know sometimes I have to tell myself that i'm not good, but I know deep down inside i'm that good.

"It's all set up. Just need to test it out. Brian could you turn on the car and Danny, hand me my iPod, please." Brian goes to the driver's side and puts the key in the engnition. I grab the wire and the iPod from Dan and plug it into the USB port on the radio.

"Switch it to the USB."

"I know what I'm doing calm your tits."

"I don't think that's possible." I roll my eyes and hand my iPod to Brian.

"Here pick a song." After a minute or two he puts it on Dan's favourite song EVER! Good Riddance (The Time of Your Life).

"NO. You guys are fucking assholes. I'm going inside." He throws his arms up and down like a child as he walks indoors.

"Well, I didn't think he'd get that mad."

"He's exaggerating. The more you get to know him the worse he'll get."

"Then why do you still hang out with him?"

"I ask that question to this day. No, he's just a really great guy. You're lucky to have him." That sounded kind of weird...

"Thanks, I guess?... So is there anything I should know about Danny that you don't think I know?"

"Serious wise or like comedic wise?"

"Anything you think I should know ahead of time before I do anything and offend him or something stupid."

"Obviously he doesn't like Green Day. His music taste is pretty similar to yours besides a few bands or singers. He's Jewish. Loves that show Game of Thrones."

"I knew the rest besides the Game of Thrones part. Didn't know he was that nerdy."

"OH YEAH..."

"We should go check on our crybaby and start setting up for some videos."

"Yeah, sounds like a good deal." He turns off the car and I unplug my iPod. Once the doors are closed and locked we head inside and Dan's watching Game of Thrones.

"See?" Brian says as we pass the tv.

"I didn't think he liked it that much."

"I said LOVED, not liked."

"Gotcha." I go and sit next to Dan. As soon as I sat down he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Have you ever seen this show?"

"I've heard about it but it's never really catched my interest."

"Dude, it's amazing. You need to watch it!"

"Give me one reason why I should it watch it."

"Like my friend told me, it's bascially Lord of The RIngs with titties."

"Had me at Lord of the Rings, lost me at titties."

"You like, don't notice it though..."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now