Chapter 12: She's My Winona (Dan's Perspective)

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I actually had a good night's sleep. Until I heard doors open and close, and music blaring. I get up and walk into the kitchen. There's a few pancakes made, I'm guessing these are for me. I look around the kitchen for a plate, realizing that there was a plate and a fork on the counter for me. I get the pancakes and eat quickly. I hear the music coming from the room Jordan was staying in. I wonder if the neighbours are glad to hear she's back. I go and knock on the door. No answer. I don't want to seem rude but I just want to make sure she's okay. I open the door and the music is even louder than before. I enter the room and close the door. The music seems to be coming from the bathroom. I go and knock and I hear Jordan.

"You can come in." I open the door and I see Jordan getting ready.

"Woah, look at you."


"Aren't you going a little too overboard with the make-up?" Not that she looks bad, she looks fucking hot but it's just a concert. She looks in the mirror, then back at me.

"No. This is what my make-up looks like when I go to a concert or when I feel like wearing make-up."

"You look like an emo kid from 2007."

"No, I don't. Just cause all my make-ups black, doesn't make me an emo kid."

"Whatever. What time is it?"

"It's 10am. You should like get ready. Did you really want to match?"

"Uh, only if you want to. You brought the same shirt?"

"Yeah, that's why I picked that one out. It's not gonna kill us. It'll be fun and if get lost we'll know how to find each other." She looks back at her small make-up mirror and finishes up her make-up. I just realized that she's not fully dressed. She's only wearing black skinny jeans, and a black bra. How did I not realize it before?

"What's wrong? Is there something on my jeans. Shit, where? These are my favourite." Shit, she caught me staring.

"No nothing, I just realized that, that's really all your wearing." She looks down then back at me.

"Oh, I guess so. Sorry, I just feel at home and so, this is what I wear when no one's around. I guess I forgot you were here, too. I'll put a shirt on when I'm done with my make-up."

"You're fine, I was just wondering why you weren't wearing a shirt. Well I'm gonna go get ready."

"Your shirt's on the couch I washed it, dried it, and ironed it this morning."

"Thank you."

"Anytime." I walk out and I hear the music get louder again. She's very nice for doing this. I didn't think she'd take her time and do that. And we're matching? Maybe she does like me. No, she's just being nice. I really shouldn't put my hopes too high. That'd never happen... I got dressed and sat in the living room and played on my phone. Suddenly, I hear the music turn off and the door open. Jordan walks out and she looks amazing.

"Wow, you look nice."

"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself." Her hair is a really dark brown, it looks great straightened. She's pretty tall. Her outfit makes her look skinny but not in a bad way.

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure. Where are we going?"

"The mall real quick. Then we'll get something to eat at one of my favourite places if we have time, then we'll have a potty break and head to the concert. We should be there by 6pm, it starts at 7."

It's Inevitable, We're Meant To Be. (A Danny Sexbang / Avidan fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now