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It was close to ten o'clock when the last of Teuila's guests had left. After a few games of mahjong the small party had begun drinking some wine. There was actually a ban on selling or distributing alcohol on the island, not possession of it. So, Teuila didn't question when Nash brought a couple bottles.

Teuila was cleaning up. Nash had stayed, not so much to help her clean up as to spend the night. Teuila wondered if she shouldn't tell Nash to go home. To break off the affair completely. It couldn't go anywhere. They had already gone as far as it was possible for a islander and a white. Only Teuila couldn't bring herself to do it.

The bed in Teuila's bedroom was large enough for her to sleep in. When the two of them occupied it, it seemed far too small for their activities. For two creative, experienced adults that bed sufficed. Teuila forgot about their differences. As Nash pushed in and out of her. As she rode on top of him. For a short time she forgot who she was, where she was, and what was expected of her. Lost in the moment, as the sexual pleasure consumed her, Teuila knew why she didn't break off her affair. She needed this release, Needed Nash to help her achieve that release.

"This flu seems to leave it's victims irritable and fatigued." Bao told Teuila a few days later. "I don't see it becoming serious. No one has remained seriously ill or died from it so far."

"Lets hope it reverses itself before it gets any worse." Teuila sat in the front office. Bao was sitting in a chair across from her.

"I think your media campaign is helping." Bao was receiving a few less clients. Or the flu was simply running it's course. Bao wasn't sure which.

The phone rang, Kane answered it. "Yes, Charlie, I'll let Teuila know right away."

"Teuila, would you please check on your friend Sefina. She didn't come in to the station today. Charlie is having Jane work the booth, but he says he'd rather have his best woman doing the booth." Kane had hung up the phone.

"Sure. I guess I can stop by today." Teuila loved her friend, but she found her trying. She had a habit of getting drunk now and then. No doubt buying her alcohol from the same source that Nash, Needham, and the others bought theirs.

Teuila walked back to her house and got her bicycle. Riding it across the island to her friend's bungalow. Not much smaller than Teuila's own place. Teuila knocked on the door. If Sefina actually had a phone Teuila wouldn't have had to ride all the way up to her house. Teuila heard nothing from her friend, so she opened the door and walked in.

Sefina was retching in her bathroom. Teuila walked in to see her bent over the toilet. A rather new addition to most islander homes. It looked like Sefina had been throwing up for a while. Sefina turned her pale face to Teuila. She almost looked white.

"What happened?" Teuila helped the poor girl to her feet. All she had been doing was dry retching. There was nothing left in her stomach. "Don't tell me you got some bad booze."

Sefina gave Teuila a dirty look. "No." Was all she managed to gasp.

"It's the flu, then." Teuila said.

Sefina nodded. Sefina had a tendency to go for the younger, muscular farmers. Usually more than one partner. Some rumors said more than one at a time. Although Teuila didn't listen to such rumors about her friends. She neither wanted to know such things or to think about them. Sefina was her friend, that was all that mattered. Who she slept with or how many she slept with wasn't any of Teuila's business. After all, she had her own indiscretions and a fair share of rumors told about her.

Teuila got Sefina into her bed. She rode down to Waka Radio. It was where the closest phone was. Teuila jumped off her bike. She saw front desk was empty. Charlie had to be in the back. No doubt typing some news report, or similar thing for Jane to read later. Teuila grabbed the phone off the desk and called Doctor Bao.

Charlie came out of his office. Carrying a dozen sheets of paper. All typewritten and ready to be read by Jane in the booth. "What's wrong with Sefina? Hung over again?"

"I thought the same thing, but no." Teuila said. "She's got that flu. No doubt from one of the farmers she flirts with."

Charlie huffed. The gangly, middle-aged man shook his head. "I love the girl, but she is just too wild. All that flirtiness is fine on the radio, but she should think of her reputation now and then."

"I called Doctor Bao and asked him to stop by Sefina's. I'm going back to stay with her at least as long as she starts feeling better." Teuila was already heading out the door.

Teuila had sat beside Sefina's bedside. She had a high fever. She slept restlessly. Doctor Bao had given Sefina some medicine that seemed to help. Placing a wet rag on the sleeping woman's forehead Teuila wondered if there was anything else to do to bring down Sefina's fever. Sefina moaned, she didn't awaken.

There was a knock on the door. Teuila heard the door open. "Sefina? Tay?" It was Charlie King. He had called Teuila by her informal name. Instead of the Tequila he usually called her as a joke. A sign of his concern.

Teuila stood up and went into the living room. Like most of the little homes on the island, Sefina's house consisted of a small bedroom. A main room and a kitchen off to one side. The bathroom had been built on later and was likewise tiny. Teuila saw Charlie standing in the living room with flowers in hand.

"She's asleep. Most likely for the best." Teuila whispered as she came into the room.

"Will she be okay?" Charlie seemed very concerned. As he should be, Sefina was a great asset to his station with her charming personality and clear rich voice.

"She is very sick. Doc Bao seems to think that she will recover. He gave her some medicine to help her sleep." Teuila took the flowers from Charlie's hand. "These are very sweet."

"Least I can do." Charlie mumbled.

"Why don't you have a seat." Teuila said as she found a vase in the kitchen for the flowers.

"I have to get back to the station." Charlie seemed restless. "Make sure she eats something when she wakes up."

"I will. It may help." Teuila agreed.

After Charlie left Teuila sat the vase with his flowers on the nightstand beside Sefina's bed. Sefina was still asleep. Teuila felt her hand. It seemed cold. Taking a blanket from the closet, Teuila laid it over Sefina. The night wasn't particularly cold. It was March, part of the rainy season. Spring in the Northern climates. This far South though it was more like Fall. Cooling instead of warming.

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