Murder by Starlight

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"It figures that Needham is on the take." Teuila was sitting in Charlie King's office with Charlie, Jane, and Sefina. "I don't want John to follow him again. Jane, you make sure that John knows this. Needham is dangerous."

"I can keep an eye on Needham." Charlie sat behind his beat up metal desk in his well worn office chair. "I have some experience in that sort of thing."

"No, we know he's on the take. We know he's dangerous. I know he can't be trusted, that's the important thing." Teuila sat in the more comfortable chair, across from a matching one that Jane sat in. Sefina had parked her ample rear on the corner of Charlie's desk.

"I'm dangerous as well." Charlie said. "You need to know who Shawn is taking his payment from. That mysterious fisherman, that John told Jane about, could lead you to the source. I can find that information out."

Teuila almost laughed at Charlie King. Silly, distracted, comical Charlie was not dangerous. Love smitten, yes. Dangerous? Not Charlie. "Let's wait on that option."

"Charlie King manages to leave the United States one step ahead of the McCarthy Trials. He arrives on the island with enough cash and equipment to start up Waka Radio. He keeps track of public notifications, advertisements, the latest music, the most popular radio shows in America. Both Canadian and British music and radio show trends. He types many of his own announcements, commercials, and even some short stories he airs at night."

Nasher sat with Doctor Bao in his art deco office. Teuila had finished her meeting at Waka Radio. This separate meeting at the Waka Post was so that no one became too suspicious. Teuila often met with Nasher and King separately. For either advice or to coordinate public messages.

Nasher finished his report concerning Charlie.

"Do you think he's dangerous?" Teuila knew if there was something she didn't know about Charlie, Nasher might know.

"I wouldn't underestimate him. He might seem like some absent-minded professor, but I suspect he's more a mad scientist." Nasher had to admit that to all outward appearances that Charlie seemed harmless. Nasher had learned during the war that trusting in appearances could get you killed. "He could be dangerous, because we don't know he's not."

"Use your continental contacts." Teuila said. "Find out."

"To get here, Charlie King would have to go through Australia, Japan, or Hong Kong." Doctor Bao was kept in the loop because Teuila trusted him. She needed all the help she could get. "If he came through Hong Kong, I might be able to find some information about him."

Doctor Li Ju Bao might seem impassive to most people. That was because he didn't wear his emotions on his sleeve like some people did. This island accepted Bao and his wife after they were forced to flee China during the Japanese occupation there. Teuila had befriended his wife, learning Majong from her. Keeping Kane company when she was lonely and afraid. Trying to adjust to the simple island life. For this reason alone, Bao would do anything he could to help Teuila and the rest of the islanders.

It was stupid of these men to arrange a meeting for bribe payment on the same day at the same general time every week. Charlie was on the roof of his radio station with a telescope set up. It was a waxing moon, not much light, but the stars made up for it. In the Pacific, on the islands the stars were very bright.

Needham took the same route. What was wrong with the man. Behind him was John attempting to shadow the man. Charlie sighed. He wished that young John had listened to Teuila in this case. He was far more capable of watching Needham from a distance, then John could up close. Besides, it put John in harm's way.

Following Needham discreetly was easier the second time around for John. If Needham had not noticed John following him before. John was sure he wouldn't notice him this time.

When Needham went into the warehouse, John decided to go down the dark alley and wait for them to come out that way. That was what happened last time, John figured, the two men had left through the back way. Which was how they eluded John.

There was a drunken fisherman in the alley was passed out. John thought about checking on the man. To see if he was alright. Possibly needed help to get home or to his fishing boat. Despite John's nature to either arrest or assist drunks when necessary John's sense of duty won out. He felt it was more important to follow the man giving Needham his bribes.

As John passed by the man, he suddenly jumped up. Before John could react the man stabbed John in the side. Amio had become skilled at killing other men in Hong Kong during his exile. John was dead before he hit the ground. Part of the killing was revenge on the man for trying to arrest Amio. He was one of the men who drove Amio from his home.

Amio paid off Needham. He wished he could just kill the arrogant British pig, but he had his orders. Amio wasn't much for orders, but not obeying them would mean that either Vic or Adam would kill him. Possibly slowly, painfully to make him an example to the others about following orders. Amio obeyed their orders to avoid that fate.

Tonight Amio wouldn't be breaking orders, but he was taking a chance. Amio had found out where Florence Legas was. In the building of the outsider, Nasher Spencer. Waka Radio had broadcast his name all over the island after he had raped Flo. The Waka Post printed his name accusing him of rape. Only to Amio it wasn't rape. To him it was what Flo wanted. Rough sex. Suddenly she didn't want it because Amio was too rough. Amio thought she deserved what she got, because if she didn't want it she shouldn't be dating people like him.

Tonight he planned his revenge. Nasher lived in the apartment in the building that Flo lived in. That left Flo living in a apartment separate on the second floor. All by herself. Amio decided that he had waited long enough to have his revenge. He just knew he had to be careful not to do anything that might point the finger in Vic's direction.

A old wooden fire escape led up to the room that had been modified for Flo's use. Amio carefully climbed the steps. Trying to be as silent as possible. When Flo had reported him to the police, Amio had learned the importance of stealth. He had used it to hide, sneak around the docks and warehouse. Finally stealing a small boat. His own motorized fishing boat had been confiscated by the island.

Amio used a fishing knife to jimmy open the door. He came into a dark apartment. This late, Amio had expected the apartment to be dark. He was used to working in the dark. Again, due to his days as a fugitive. He walked through the main living area. There was a kitchen built into the room off to the side. There were two doors at one end of the room. Another door in the wall to Amio's right.

Amio opened the door to the right to see it went into a hall. He left the door open and went to the right door at the end of the room. It opened into the bath room. Opening the last door Amio walked into the bed room. There was an open window letting in cool night air. A open window let in a little of the moon and star light. To reveal an empty bed.

Amio took a deep breath. Resisted the urge to tear the bedroom apart in a fit of frustration. Those fits nearly got him killed after he first arrived in Hong Kong. Amio went back into the living room. He would simply sit and wait.

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