Teuila Begins to Act

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Teuila came to talk to King as soon as she heard about it. "How does this thing work." Teuila stood over the huge recorder.

"Video images are sent to the VTR through the cable that is taken by the camera. Sound and video are recorder separately and later spliced together." King gave the fast explanation.

"Can this equipment be set up somewhere else?" Teuila asked.

"All of this equipment is a single unit that operates together. I'd have to move everything to that new location. If that is what you are wondering." King didn't like the idea of moving his VTR and other equipment.

"Your equipment can transmit over the airwaves? Can the cameras transmit a image to your VTR without a cable?" Teuila hoped that King could.

"I can broadcast live through the VTR, once I hook it up the the transmission tower. Similar to the way I transmit radio broadcasts." King told Teuila.

"I don't suppose it's possible to get a portable unit?" Teuila doubted it, but had to ask.

"There are no portable VTR units; maybe in the future, but not for the present. I can't broadcast from the camera to the VTR without a cable. It might be possible to place a small antenna on the camera that would allow direct transmission, but again, that technology isn't available."

"Tequila, if you want to take a video of something, I've got a portable movie camera. I also have a tape recorder I can use for sound." King couldn't use the VTR, but the older film and audio technology was advanced enough for Teuila's purpose."

"You do know that my name is pronounced Tay-wee-lah. Not Tee-qee-lah." Teuila had put her hands on her hips and stared at King.

"Really, I never noticed." King smiled.

Teuila sighed. "I bet you didn't. Why don't you call me Tay, like most of my friends."

"I'm not like most of your friends, besides, I like Tequila. I like you, so I just automatically think Tequila when I see you."

Teuila shook her head. King might not be like her other friends, but Teuila was glad to have his help. She was particularly grateful after she explained her plan. King not only knew how to implement her plan, but how to improve it.

Adam Kresler had arrived on the island not long before the troubles had begun. He was a solitary man, who spent much of his time by himself. He had tried to rent or buy one of the few Jeeps on the island. He was refused. The few trucks, trolleys, and the four motorcycles weren't for rent or sell either. Adam had to have a motorcycle brought in. As well as the fuel, the islanders wouldn't sell him fuel after he got a motorcycle. So, he had to order regular shipments of fuel.

Teuila was no fool. She knew that this Adam Kresler was related to the problems with the islanders. He had a operation set up somewhere that included gambling, prostitution, and drugs. As well as alcohol.

Amio getting himself killed in his ex-girlfriend's apartment proved inconvenient. Needham had fixed the problem by reporting that Amio had only appeared on the island recently. That he had been discovered by John Tamalti and killed the officer. Before coming to his ex-girlfriend's apartment to rape and kill her.

Had Amio did so, he would have possibly blown the operation. In which case Vic would have killed Amio anyway. All the same, using Amio as an errand boy for some things was convenient. Such as paying Needham his bribe money. The British greaser was starting to get on Adam's nerves. He never did like the Brits and Shawn Needham wasn't improving his opinion of them.

If Adam could find a replacement for the man, he'd do so in a heartbeat. As the situation stood, though. Needham had saved them from a investigation that might have turned up much more than a jilted boyfriend who murdered a cop and tried to rape his ex-girlfriend. He was arrogant, but useful for the moment. Adam figured that moment would eventually pass and Adam would kill him when it did.

In the meantime he paid Shawn Needham in the same warehouse location as usual. It never occurred to the two of them that John's death might throw suspicion on the place. Shawn had assured Adam that everyone on the island thought that Amio had killed John simply because John recognized him.

All of this was recorded. Teuila had her evidence against both Shawn Needham and Adam Kresler. Charlie King had showed her the film he had developed. The audio was on a separate tape, recorded through a hidden microphone, it wasn't particularly clear, but damning evidence all the same.

Tim Lagi was upset about John's death. He felt that some how he had failed the man. Teuila assured Tim that there was nothing that could have been done. In the meantime Teuila had hired two Americans. One a younger man to replace John. His name was Harry Milo. A tall, healthy, muscular man. The other man had obviously been built much like Harry when he was young. He had been a detective in New York and was now retired. His name was Zach Nathon. He was well into his sixties, but he was still alert and healthy.

Zach Nathon and Harry Milo met Teuila at the Victory Cafe. Both of the big men were pretty conspicuous on an island where most men were no more than five foot six, and the tallest of them five eight or five nine. These men were both over six feet tall.

They were built like bulls, with no fat on Harry, and Zach only beginning to develop some fat around his midsection.

"What do you want us to do?" Zach said in his gravely voice as the waitress left to get their order.

"I want Adam Kresler followed." Teuila explained. "I don't want Needham to know I hired you, yet. I want you to find incriminating evidence against Needham. We have essentially American based laws here. Although punishment is rather different. I also want to find the base of operations."

"What about our base of operations. If it's not going to be the police station itself, then we need to know where we will be operating from." Zach said.

"We have an old barracks that we are fixing up to be a hotel. Nothing has been done, except to fix the roof, walls, and floor so it's livable. I had them move in some desks, file cabinets, a typewriter, a chalk board, and some other things. If you need anything else, let me know."

"A vehicle. Gas. Weapons."

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