11. ** You **

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  The Military Tribunal was a tense and disturbing trial, filled with fear, violence and so much anger.  Watching the young soldier, Eren Yeager, kneel helplessly in front of those who would decide his fate, was painful.  I had so much faith in Levi that I was able to set aside my own ignorance and prejudice in order to give Eren a chance. 

  He was hailed a savior to the citizens who resided within Wall Rose, especially those who saw him as their only hope of ever returning to Wall Maria. However, those with Wall Sina citizenship remained selfish as usual, complaining about the influx of refugees and the impending food shortage; saying that retaking the Walls was impossible.

Nile Dawk, Commander of the Military Police, called for Eren's immediate execution, after a thorough interrogation of course.  This didn't come as a surprise to me.  I had a deep-seeded hatred for every single member of the Military Police.  They were ruthless, selfish bastards who only joined because it came with a powerful title, giving them the ability to do whatever the hell they wanted.  And of course, MP's wouldn't have to do any actual fighting.

A psychotic Pastor from the Order of the Walls demanded for Eren to be killed on the spot, saying that he was blasphemous for even existing.  I was glad when Commander Erwin was quick to stop him, speaking in a calm, refrained manner, following such a rash statement. He reminded everyone that Eren was the only reason Trost was safe, and how Eren's titan power could be used for good.

Arguments and opinions were thrown around carelessly by both merchants and soldiers alike until violent moments of Eren's childhood were revealed. He had apparently been involved in the murder of a few robbers when he was younger. In learning this, I found a connection with young Eren, knowing he was only trying to protect his family and stay alive. 

Suddenly, Eren noticed that his adopted sister Mikasa's past had been brought up as well, as threatening glares began to focus on her too. Fearing what would follow the rising tension in the room, Eren's once cooperative behavior evolved into a frustrated plea for everyone to just have faith in his ability to fight. 

My eyes widened as his words resonated within me.  He was so right.  None of those MP bastards had ever even seen a titan before in their lives.  They had never watched a person be torn to pieces by the hands of a monster. They had no idea what horrors Eren had seen. And yet, he still wanted to be the one who fought for their lives anyway. 

 I thought that his cry would have convinced everyone of his invaluable existence, of his power to possibly save us all. But instead, Eren found himself staring down numerous barrels of Military Police guns. Before anyone could even react, Levi was on the floor in front of us, kicking Eren across the face in full force. 

I gasped in disbelief, utterly confused by his sudden attack. I was mortified as Levi began relentlessly beating Eren to the ground, blood spewing from his body. Since Eren had been completely restrained, there was no escaping the barrage of strikes landed at the mercy of Levi. 

Mikasa was held back from intervening by their childhood friend, Armin. I watched as a darkness filled Mikasa's eyes with rage. Just then, I turned back to witness Levi's final blow before Nile demanded that he stop, for fear of Eren transforming into a Titan there before us.  

 I finally understood Levi's brutal demonstration when he turned to Nile, blatantly stating that pain was the best lesson, and that he himself was the only one capable of killing Eren if he were to ever lose control again. Levi had to implement absolute fear into those who wanted Eren dead, to make them want to hand Eren over to the Survey Corps and wash their hands clean of him. Eren had to endure just enough pain so that Levi could save him.

 With the final verdict given, Commander Zackly handed Eren off to the Survey Corps, per Erwin's proposition that Eren join with Levi as his fail-safe. I exhaled a huge sigh of relief, allowing my tension to finally dissolve. I watched in remorse as Eren was dragged away, barely conscious. Levi glanced up at me for split second, before exiting behind the newest member of our team.

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