13. ** Scars **

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When I awoke in the morning, I was a bit unsure of my whereabouts. The sun was beginning to peak through the window, and the ceiling was unfamiliar. Slowly, I recalled that it was the first time I was waking up inside the old fortress, which would be my home for the next month or so.

I rolled over slowly, stretching from fingertips to toes, followed by a long sigh. I honestly did not expect to find Levi still asleep next to me. He was always an early riser, not one for much sleep. And yet, there he was. I froze for a moment, careful of my movements, as I slowly turned to face him, studying his beautiful face closely.

His black hair had fallen over his brow, slightly covering his eyelids. I wanted so badly to brush the wisps away so I could see him better, but I didn't want to disturb him. I felt my heart begin thumping against my chest as I became slightly overwhelmed by him just being next to me.

The sun was now fully rising, as the pink sky began to fade to a soft gold. I could feel the warmth of the sunbeams as they crept along the bed. If only every morning could be this idyllic.

As Levi began to rouse, I took advantage of the moment, and brought my lips to his. I could feel him change from groggy confusion to full comprehension. I framed his broad shoulders with my palms, leaning over him while continuing my morning greeting. He calmly placed one hand on my cheek, the other onto my back.

I felt myself gradually becoming more and more aroused as my innocent kiss began to evolve into a deeper, hungrier one.
Before I knew it I had thrown my leg over him, bringing myself into a straddle. Levi was pleasantly surprised by this sudden turn of events as he brought his hands to my hips, lowering me down onto him.

We both parted our lips for a breath, but before I could return, he pulled back slightly. I opened my eyes to find his steel grey eyes staring right back.

"(F/N). Sit up. I want to see you--"

I felt myself suddenly become a bit sheepish as he continued:

"-- it's always been so dark at night..."

After a few moments of hesitation, I walked my hands backwards, sitting myself up, still completely nude from the night before. One hand left my hip as he gently began to run his fingertips down my neck, over my breast, along my side, and back to my hip.
I closed my eyes, shuddering a euphoric exhale. He did the same with his other hand, this time slower and more intentional. I could barely handle it.

I felt him begin to sit up, still inside me, as he wrapped his arms around me. He gently started kissing my neck, but I noticed him slow to a stop after placing a few along my scar. Distracted by this, I pulled away to see what was wrong.

"Levi, what are you--"

I suddenly realized our morning fling had been brought to an end when I saw his expression. He seemed to be replaying a memory in his mind, as his face became concerned, confused, and distant.

I removed myself from his embrace to just sit beside him, when his stern voice asked:

"How did you get that scar, (F/N)...?"

I lowered my head and turned away. I was frustrated and hurt that he had found it necessary to ask that during such a passionate moment. I scoffed and dropped my feet to the floor, wanting to get dressed immediately. But he grabbed my wrist, asking the same question, this time with more urgency.

I yanked my hand away and began angrily covering myself with clothing. I could hear Levi throwing the covers off the bed behind me, before bringing himself to a stand. I fully expected him to explode for not answering him, but instead he let out a "tch" and began dressing himself as well.

Breaking Barricades (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now