30. ** Iron **

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I could hear Levi fighting for air, still kicking and struggling under Viktor's weight.

With the last of my strength, I shoved my body upwards to a wobbly stand, the iron poker glowing within my grasp. Levi managed to cover the sound of my limping steps with his gasps and growls, as Viktor leaned in closer for the kill. A horrifically disturbing smile melted down his lips as he hissed "I win..."

Summoning all of my strength for one final act of rebellion, I braced my body for impact. My core ignited as I powerfully lifted the sharp iron rod above my head, focusing my aim on the man who tried to destroy my life. The flickering glow of hot iron caught Viktor's attention, and he began to turn. The moment we locked our gaze, he knew.

He knew it was over.

With a profound battle cry echoing through the hall, I drove the searing hot spike straight through Viktor's temple and into his skull, finally ending my lifelong struggle to break free of his grasp.

As he fell backwards off of Levi, I threw my legs over his body and continued to bash in his face with my fists. With every punch, my vengeful screams dissolved into tormented wails of agony, remembering everything he had put me through... everyone he had taken from me... everything he had done.

It was all finally over.

Dropping my head backwards, I released one last cathartic scream to the sky, before crumbling back down to reality. I weakly turned to face Levi, as my chest shuddered and heaved, but he was gone.

Just then, I felt a soft fabric gently being draped across my shoulders with care. The familiar green cape covered my raw, blood-stained skin, as Levi wrapped the Wings of Freedom around my tattered back and gently lifted me into his arms.

I impulsively buried my face into his chest and burst into tears. I was so overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that hit me all at once. We both just held each other close as we tried to catch our breath; incredibly amazed and relieved that it was all over.

Levi carefully sat down in front of the warm fireplace and gingerly nestled me into his lap. Staring deeply into my eyes, he placed a sweet kiss upon my lips and stroked my hair.

"That bastard can't hurt you anymore, (F/N). Now you can actually live your life without him... but..." he hesitated, before heaving a sigh. "I know you don't want to hear this, but if we don't close up those wounds on your back, you won't get that chance."

I knew he was right, but I was at a loss for words. My heart sank when I realized how little time I had left with Levi. I felt a gentle squeeze against my arm, as Levi tried to direct my gaze towards the fireplace. There, still sizzling among the embers, were the iron tongs, broom and shovel.

"I won't lie, it'll hurt like a bitch, but it's our only option," Levi admitted lowly.

A bit confused, I glanced back up at Levi, then back at the fireplace. That's when it hit me. He had to cauterize my wounds.

I bit my lip and tried to hold back tears. Levi leaned in closer to me, staring into my eyes.

"I want you to make me a promise."

"Okay..." I whispered through my tears.

"You've lost a lot of blood, and your body is past its limit. You're going to pass out from the pain alone when I do this... So... promise me that you're going to wake up afterwards... And I promise to be there when you do..."

I was shaking from fear and could barely speak, but I gave him a reassuring nod and mouthed, "I promise."

We fearfully pressed our lips together, sealing our vow. Wrapping his arm around me tightly, he gently helped me turn over onto my stomach. I inhaled sharply as Levi pulled the half-stuck shirt from my back, trying his best not to hurt me.

Then, he withdrew the tongs from the fire and inhaled deeply, before hovering the hot iron above my skin.

"(F/N), you're stronger than you know."

I dug my fingers into my cape and inhaled sharply, giving a quick nod to Levi, to get it over with. The sudden sting of molten iron burning my skin was unbearable, and I quickly spiraled into a dark tunnel, with Levi's words still echoing as I fell.

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