27. ** Red **

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My head is pounding...

My body is so sore...

I can barely sit up...

What the hell happened...?

No... No, it was all a nightmare. So is this. There's no way this is real. Shut your eyes... now, open!


Okay... I just need to wake back up... Wake up dammit... WAKE UP!

Nothing changed.

I looked around as reality set in. I was back to where I had started. Only this time, I was locked behind bars in a dimly lit prison cell with a passed out MP slumped against the wall in front of me. I rapidly took in my surroundings, searching for a means of escape, until I doubled over from a sharp, shooting pain. I began to shake in disbelief when I noticed the hand-shaped bruises along my thighs, stained with dried blood.

Suddenly, it hurt to breathe, as if a boulder was crushing my chest. I held my hand against my throat, as the trauma of the brutal, sadistic rape I endured after leaving the tunnels flashed before my eyes.

Shame washed over me as the memory of my final moments with Levi re-emerged. I had sentenced him to death and could do nothing to save him in the end. Before Viktor had knocked me unconscious, I could see Levi trying so hard to fight back, to shield himself against every blow, but his body couldn't respond. He could only lie there alone... Humanity's Strongest Soldier, reduced to nothing, because of my absolute naivety.

I was fighting against what felt like a mental breakdown. I longed to hold Levi in my arms; for him to hold me. I needed to look deep into his beautiful gray eyes and find that reassurance he always seemed to have hidden away... But most of all, I needed to know that he was still alive.

He has to be. He's the strongest man alive! But he was paralyzed, and they were beating him so relentlessly-

I pushed my fists into my temples.

Focus, dammit!

I inhaled deeply, then clenched my jaw and opened my eyes. I slowly pulled myself to a stand, pushing through the excruciating pain I was experiencing, and wrapped my fingers around the cold iron bars.

My prior gasping and coughing from before had stirred the groggy MP, who sluggishly looked up at me. I temporarily shed my usual demeanor, replacing it for a more meek and helpless one.

"Oh! I am so sorry for waking you, sir! If it's not too much trouble, could I bother you for a drink of water? I am terribly thirsty and would be ever so grateful!"

I internally cringed at my sickly sweet voice. This had better work...

The soldier looked around, then ignorantly pointed to himself.

"Yessir, you! Could you please?" Fucking idiot...

"Uhhh... Yea... Um, give me a *hiccup* second, alright?"

"Oh, thank you so much, Officer!"

I watched as he stumbled away, slowly returning with a small cup of water. I smiled as I reached through the bars to take it from him. As soon as he was close enough, I grabbed him by his collar and smashed his face into the iron bars, knocking him out cold. As he fell limp, I held my grip to keep him close. Looped into his belt buckle were a few keys, one of which I was gambling would open my cell. Sure enough, the second key clicked in, unlocking as it turned.

With a quick sigh of relief, I bent over the MP and raided him of his weapons, as well as his shirt, since mine was nowhere to be found. I attempted to slip on his boots, but they were far to big. I had equipped myself with his rifle and knife and turned to leave, when I paused. I looked down at the sorry excuse for a soldier, tightening my grip on the knife. Without hesitation, I plunged it into his chest, blood splattering across my face.

I was no longer just craving revenge. I was on a rampage. I leaned against the wall, partially to keep me upright, as I crept foward. I had to save my energy for the kill.

I finally came to an intersection and cautiously peered right, then left. Two MP's were casually strolling towards me on my left. I held my breath as they passed. Then, aiming carefully, I flung my knife into the first MP's back. He collapsed forward onto the ground, as I jumped onto the second MP, wrapping my arms around his neck and snapping it quickly, severing his spine. I pulled the knife from the soldier's back, then mercilessly slit his throat before he could even shout for help.

I found myself wanting to slaughter more and more MP's. My bloodlust was becoming dangerously insatiable as I prowled down the hall, almost hoping to run into more during my escape.

I snuck farther down toward a large door at the end of the hallway, taking out a third and fourth guard along the way.

I tried to steady my breathing, slightly reenergized after my fifth kill. I was seeing red and could feel myself becoming consumed with anger. Everything had been taken from me; I had nothing left... Even Levi was gone.

Before, I had tried to convince myself that he hadn't been killed after all; that they knew how crucial he was for humanity's survival. But the darker my soul became, the less hopeful I was. With every kill, I was burying my pain, filling it with the rush of revenge.

Finally, I had made it to the door, hopeful that it was my way out. Leaning against the wall, I tried to mentally erase my pain level, which had been semi-masked by all the adrenaline. With my knife ready, I inched my fingers over to the handle and slowly turned it.

There was only silence.

I tried to peak through the sliver I created, but I could only see a bare wall, dimly lit by fire. So I held my breath and slipped in quickly, making sure to shut the door behind me with care.

I began scanning the large, open room, searching for another exit. Old embers were faintly glowing within a fireplace to my right. Someone had been here, but was gone now. Still fully on guard, I limped forward, knife out and ready.

Suddenly, I heard something shifting across the room. I crouched down, trying to focus on its origin. Again, the same sound, but this time it was followed by a sharp, hitched inhale and groaning exhale.

My eyes widened and I quickened my step toward the source of the noise. Even though I had attempted to stay quiet, my approach was noticed, as two eyes turned to meet mine. I felt my body turn to ice, as I suddenly lost the ability to breathe.

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