24. ** Warzone **

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I could see Levi clenching his fists next to me as he watched troops flying into battle, racing over rooftops toward the explosion. He so wanted to fight, but knew that he couldn't.

"Levi..." I mumbled worriedly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a few MP's aiming their rifles at Erwin, per the orders of Commander Nile Dawk. Levi slightly held out his hand, signaling me to stay calm. I had to have faith in Erwin; he knew what he was doing. Through the screams and explosions, Erwin stood his ground and remained steadfast.

"This is insanity, Erwin! You have committed treason against the monarchy here! I should have you shot where you stand!" shouted Nile.

Erwin turned his gaze toward Nile, staring into his soul.

"And then what... would you take charge of this?"

Nile shifted his eyes around nervously, realizing the severity of the situation. His hesitation was quickly followed by another flash of light- as a second titan appeared within the city. Now we knew for sure that Annie had been the Female Titan, and that Eren had engaged her. Nile turned around to witness the sight of Eren and Annie throwing each other around into the buildings, smashing everything in sight. Clenching his fists, he growled in anger.

"Alright men! Deploy all the troops we can spare! Focus on aiding and evacuating our citizens! Get everyone out of the way of those Titans!"

I watched as the terrified MP's reluctantly obeyed Nile's commands, flying off into chaos. Nile turned to face Erwin once more with a furious sneer upon his face. He withdrew a set of handcuffs and motioned to the last few soldiers who stood with him.

"We'll just have to let a Court of Law decide how you die, Commander Erwin."

The sight of Erwin being detained for leading such a heroic mission was sickening. I continued to pay attention to Levi, ready to follow his lead, should he spring into action. But he just stood as still as a statue, staring at Erwin as he was led toward us with his hands cuffed behind his back. As he was about to pass us, Erwin paused and ordered Levi not to follow him as he was taken away. I was honestly surprised when Levi gave him the slightest nod in agreement. He was really allowing a worthless group of MP's to haul off our Commander, during one of the most crucial moments of battle.

As soon as the soldiers were out of earshot, I whipped around and grabbed Levi by the arm.

"Levi- what were you thinking!? They're gonna have Commander Erwin killed! You heard Nile say that, right!?"

As if to ignore me, Levi began to make his way toward the courtyard where Eren and Annie were deep within the heat of battle. Towers and buildings had been flattened and blood was smeared throughout their path. Neither of them were giving in, and yet, they were both showing signs of exhaustion. Suddenly, Annie lunged onto the wall, beginning to claw her way up, attempting to evade Eren's rage.

"Shit," Levi muttered under his breath, as we quickened our steps towards the wall.

Just when we thought she would escape, Mikasa flew to the wall above her and sliced through her fingers, causing her to fall back to the ground below, where Eren was waiting. With a roar of victory, Eren ripped the Female Titan's head from her body. As Eren's giant hand reached toward Annie to tear her from the exposed neck, a blinding light surrounded her, somehow encasing her within a crystalline shield.

We had barely reached the courtyard when Hange threw herself in front of an enraged solider, who had been desperately trying to chip away at the crystal frozen around Annie. She began ordering everyone to cover her up and take her underground the city, to hide her from sight. Soldiers began scrambling for wires, netting, and tarps: anything they could find.

I could only stand next to Levi, who was staring angrily at Annie. She had taken so much from him and caused him so much pain. And yet, even though she was inches away, he was completely incapable of avenging the lives that she had stolen.

"She's a goddamn coward..." he growled.

I watched as he reached out his hand to touch the crystal encasement. Sliding it down the side, he lowered his head and sighed.

A sudden commotion broke out behind us, as everyone began pointing and screaming at where Mikasa was still hanging along the side of the wall. Annie had pulled apart a section of the wall before she fell, and I gasped when I noticed the monstrous face peering out of it. Our situation had taken a horrendous turn, and only worsened when I saw its eye slowly roll to the side, staring at Mikasa.

"My god," I breathed, "they're inside the walls..."

I felt Levi cautiously grab hold of my arm, as he slowly stepped in front of me. I could hear Hange screaming out in terror and excitement, when a Priest from the Church of the Walls came rushing in, shouting about how we had to shield the Titan from the sun.

The chaos that ensured was incredible. I felt myself becoming overwhelmed by our task to get Eren out of there, his body still steaming in attempt to heal itself. Soldiers were mindlessly rushing around, trying to drag Annie off to the underground tunnels and cover the Titan staring at us from above.

After helping Levi and Armin lift Eren's weak body onto a wagon, I heard Mikasa zip in from behind, rushing toward Eren with urgency.

"He'll be fine," Levi remarked, before sending them off. I watched as the wagon slowly rattled down the road, away from the warzone.

"What the hell is happening, Levi...?"

I watched as he pivoted his feet, turning back toward the courtyard.  Keeping his darkened eyes forward, he uttered a morbid response.

"Erwin's plan... that's what's happening."

I hopelessly took in my surroundings.  Death and destruction engulfed a city full of souls who had been so blissfully ignorant of reality.  We walked the streets where petrified children cradled the lifeless bodies of their parents, drenched in blood and ash.  Was this really what Erwin had foreseen?

I shook my head and walked beside Levi, trying to remind myself that it was going to be a long and bloody road to freedom.  It always had been...and it always would be.


Levi and I finally met back up with Hange, who escorted us through the dark maze of tunnels underneath the city.  The halls were dim, only lit by a few flame torches hung against the walls. 

  I began to notice how the tunnel randomly broke off into separate channels, which looked to be lined with abandoned prison cells and storage cellars.  The farther down we traveled, the more eerie each block became.
We eventually entered a larger room with guards standing at attention.  And there, seeming to glow before us, was Annie, surrounded by a gleaming ice crystal.  Her face was sad and still; an obvious look of defeat.

Levi pulled me aside, speaking to me closely.

"Hange has something she needs to discuss with me in private... about her crazy new Pastor friend.  You okay here if I have a word with her?"

I smiled and looked around, letting out a slight laugh.

"I'm standing in front of a frozen Titan girl in an underground maze... but other than that, I'm good."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Tch. I'm being serious.  Are you okay down here...?"

"I'm fine, Levi. Don't worry so much about me. Now go- Hange probably has some very time-sensitive information."

He gave me a quick reassuring squeeze on my arm before turning away. I looked over my shoulder, watching Levi and Hange begin speaking in private as they swiftly disappeared.

I hugged my cape close to my body, shuddering from a chill. It was fairly cold underground, and I honestly hated being there.  I clenched my jaw, fighting back the anxiety that was beginning to emerge.

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