25. ** Hell **

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Quite some time had passed since Levi and Hange had stepped away. I was beginning to worry about the severity of Hange's information, hoping they were coming up with a resolution.

I took the opportunity to rest against the wall in the corner of the room. I didn't dare walk around the tunnels, knowing I could easily get lost and end up wandering aimlessly in the dark. I pulled my legs up, propped my arms up onto my knees and rested my forehead against them. Letting out a sigh of exhaustion, I allowed myself to close my heavy eyelids and drift off to sleep.

I woke with a jolt. A soldier was bent down in front of me, shaking my arm in attempts to wake me.

"(L/N)? (F/N) (L/N)?"

I blinked a few times and shook my head a bit, trying to fully come to.

"Yes? That's me. Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yes mam. I was just sent to accompany you back to where Commander Hange and Captain Levi are. The Captain sends his apologies for making you wait while they spoke."

Extending his hand, he helped me up to my feet.

"My name is Trennen by the way. I've heard quite a bit about you."

I began to follow Trennen out of the room and down the hall where Levi and Hange had left. I looked up at him, awkwardly intrigued.

"Is that so? What exactly have you heard?"

"Sorry, I should have prefaced that with positive things," he laughed with embarrassment.

I turned my attention back to where we were headed. We had ventured down another hall, lined with doors and darker than before. I began to feel uneasy, staying alert to my surroundings. I slowly began to move my hand to my pocket, reaching for my knife, when Trennen rapidly turned and grabbed my arm, shoving me against the wall. Covering my mouth with his other hand, my screams were muffled and made in vain.

My situation worsened exponentially when I noticed two MP's whip around the corner, blades out. I began thrashing around, trying to push Trennen off of me, but he jammed his elbow into my chest even harder, making it almost impossible to breathe.

While I was pinned to the wall, one of the MP's held my arms down as the other began removing my gear. As he patted me down to check for hidden weapons, a sly smile slithered across his lips. His hands crept further up my shirt, as he proceeded to grope me. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth, unable to retaliate against him.

I tried so desperately not to panic; to stay alert and focused, trying to create my escape plan. But my window of opportunity was closing rapidly as I had become fully stripped of my weapons.

Before I knew it, I was pulled from the wall and thrown into one of the storage cellars across from us. I rapidly pushed myself to my feet and sprinted towards the door, barely missing it as it slammed shut. Grasping the handle, I pulled and turned it with all my might, but it wouldn't budge. I pounded my fists angrily against the door, screaming and yelling to be released.

Then, in between my screams for help, I heard a deep chuckle from behind.

"Hello, Kimiyo... Oh, I'm sorry... It's (F/N) now, isn't it?"

Whipping around to the voice of my nightmares, I watched Viktor's hellish face emerge from behind a newly torched lantern. My initial reaction was to sink into the wall behind me, but a raging fire began to burn deep within me. I charged towards him, completely overtaken by my anger. Dodging my first punch, he quickly set down the lantern to engage me.

I turned around to find his fist meeting my jaw. Staggering backwards, I wiped the blood from my lip, then rammed straight back into him, knocking him to the ground. Just as I was about to wrap my fingers around his neck, he clenched a handful of my hair in his fist and threw me off of him.

He was quick to take control once more, as he delivered a swift kick to my stomach. I grunted from the sharp sting of pain, unable to recover as he continued to drive his boot into my body. I instinctively shut my eyes tightly and huddled into a ball, trying to protect myself from his ruthless beatings.

Suddenly, I heard Levi's voice echo in the back of my mind: "Remember, you are stronger than before."

My eyes shot open, as I caught the next incoming kick. Throwing him off balance, he fell backwards, giving me the chance to jump on top of him. I began throwing punches into his face as fast and as hard as I could. But unbeknownst to me, he had withdrawn a blade from his pocket. In-between punches, he shoved the sharp steel into my side. I screamed in agony, grabbing my wound and collapsing to the floor.

Viktor slowly stood back up and brushed the dust from his clothes.  With a terrifying grin, he hovered over me and said, "Damn baby, Levi really taught you a thing or two about combat, huh?"

I held my wound tightly, trying desperately to stop the bleeding, as I pathetically attempted to push myself away from Viktor. But he only grinned and lifted his foot to swiftly crush my hands, stepping directly onto my wound as he leaned over me. An involuntary cry was forced from my lips as pain surged through me.

"I hear he taught you a few other things too... You do remember what happens to someone who touches what is mine... don't you?"

I growled through tears and gritted teeth, "I'm not yours, you bastard..."

"YES YOU ARE, YOU BITCH!" He shouted angrily, kicking me harder from renewed frustration.

My body tumbled limply across the floor, a trail of blood appearing where I rolled. I tried to push myself up as he turbulently charged my way.

"You forget that I saved your fucking life! I could have left your corpse to rot in that underground trash heap, but I brought your half-dead body into MY home! I fed you, clothed you-- I OWN YOU!"

As he continued to shout, he lifted my weakening body from the ground, clutching onto my neck. I clawed at his grip feebly, struggling to breathe.

"You really thought you could betray me? Leave me for another man!?"

Slamming me against the wall, I slowly fell to the ground, gasping for air and writhing in agony. He quickly grasped my face, forcing me to look at him.

"I'll have your Captain killed for what he did to you..."

Now fearing for Levi's life, I stared into Viktor's devilish eyes and sneered.

"You idiot. You fucking raped me every goddamn night. You really think that the moment I was free of that, of you, that I would want someone touching me!?"

Viktor growled and slapped me across my bruised and bleeding face.

"You were never a good liar... and now you lie straight to my face!?  Fuck it. I'm sick of this bullshit. It's time I put you back in your place."

Now I couldn't withhold from panicking. Viktor threw me to the ground, after withdrawing his knife, and held me down forcefully. Following along my scar, he allowed the tip of the blade to drag against my skin, until it reached my chest. He ravenously sliced open my shirt, ripping it in two. I could barely grab hold of his arms, severely weakened by his attacks.

Flipping me over, he crushed me under his weight.  I could feel his breath against my neck as he snarled closley into my ear.

"Oh, how I've missed this..."

I trembled in fear, as I could see no way out. His hands slowly crept down to my hips and tugged viciously at my waistband. With a shuddered whisper, I softly cried, "Levi... I'm sorry..."

I felt Viktor freeze, before he angrily muttered, "What did you say...?"

I wouldn't answer, so he drove my cheek into the ground and yelled in my ear, "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

With tears drenching my face, I inhaled deeply before screaming as loud as I could, "LEVI!!!"

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