Chapter 2

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The little girl covers her ears with her little hands.

- Hey, don't scream, I'm just a little girl! You are going to make me cry!

- No answer ... Really, you are starting to scare me...

- Sorry about that. No, I didn't cause anything. I just had a small hope to find someone like you until the end of that day, because on the next day, I was going to another country and look around again, and again, and again...

- Alright. Then, the one million euro question... Who are you?

The little girl smiles with her hands behind her back, in a cute pose.

- I'm Aria. Nice to meet you.

- Hello... Who are you?

The little girl stands up straight, in a proud pose, with her hands on her waist.

- I'm Aria, the Goddess of Creation of the world Ariansyl. Nice to meet you.

- Lucky me, a real, live Goddess in front of me. But a very cute, small and young one?

At this point, she starts to laugh. One very funny laugh that sounds like a small kitten making noises!

- Knnya... knnya... knnya...

- That's a very weird laugh...

She slowly stops and she looks embarrassed!

- Sorry, you just really made me laugh. It's been a long time since I've laughed like this. I didn't want you to see such an unfit side of me. I'm trying to cause a good impression here, after all.

That was surprising!

- A Goddess, trying to cause a good impression on a mere mortal human????

- Well, yeah! Because I want to ask something very important from you. And when I reach this part, previous ones have denied doing what I asked...

- Previous ones? What happened to the previous ones that denied you?

She points her hand to the sky, and afterward, shakes her finger in denial.

- Their souls followed the natural path... and you don't need to know what that is.

- Ok, and was there ever anyone that accepted?

- So far, 5 did. The last one was 1.000 years ago. By the way, I only search for new help every 1.000 years.

- Lucky me then. I'm supposed to be the new help of a Goddess. Great. And what I'm supposed to do?

- When I was chosen as a Goddess and I was given a world to take care of, using some pointers from some colleagues, I started putting Races on my world and waited for them to evolve and prosper. And I helped a little on the evolution, just a little...

I notice one weird thing.

- ...||...She's changing the topic of the conversation...||...You were chosen, received a world, other colleagues, placed Races, messed with the natural evolution... seems like I'm hearing many things that I'm not supposed to learn.

Aria looks worried.

- Yeah, you shouldn't... I'm going to be scolded for this later... moving on! Because I started just some millennia ago, I'm a rookie, really green on the job. So, despite a lot of help at the beginning, I was doing all that I could the first 1.000 years, then I realized that I needed some help. Since my colleagues refused and because it was my responsibility, I came to your world. I looked everywhere and I stopped in Japan. The Feudal Era was amazing! Samurais, Ninjas, Emperors, Lords, Shoguns, people worried about improving every day! I was mesmerized!

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