Chapter 20

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        I tried to get as far away from the man as he tried to shoot me again after he missed. He aimed again at me and I cried out, then some men and took away his gun. Then they shot him, I shouted in surprise when they did that. Then I started kicking and screaming as they tried to pick me up. They held Steve down while I was doing this.

        Then they loaded us into some trucks. I luckily was next to Steve, but I had started to kind of shiver. Steve sat as close to me as possible and I laid my head on his arm. "He looked at me like he didn't even recognize me. Like he didn't recognize either of us." Steve said glancing at me. 

        "How? How is that possible?" Sam asked. 

         Steve looked at me, I sighed. "It happened 70 years ago.

        "Zola. Bucky's unit was captured in 1943." Steve said. 

         I nodded. "Zola did experiments on him per Schmidt's orders. They.... Schmidt chose the men and brought them in to see me. If I refused to help Schmidt he would give the men to Zola and he would experiment on them." I felt Steve place a hand on my arm.

        I never told him about this. "Schmidt brought in six men. Collin Queen, Jared Fain, Christopher Tice, Oliver Vail, Emmett Dent and last my brother. I'll always remember those brave men. Schmidt would bring them in and hurt them until they gave him their name. He did it so that I would know their name... " I said, I think I was crying now. "Bucky never let him find out his name. Schmidt nearly beat him to death before I was able to stop him."

         "After he did that he would give me a choice, join him and help Zola re-make Abraham's serum. If I didn't he would give them over to Dr. Zola for his experiments. Bucky was the one who lasted the longest... I remember the day he brought in Bucky, I think it was random. I don't think Schmidt ever knew he had my brother. If he did, he would have broken me a lot quicker." I said. 

        I felt like my world was falling apart. Bucky just stood there. He took all the beatings, never saying his name. I guess he figured out what would happen to him and I if he did. But there is only so much I can take. Schmidt had almost beaten him to death when I intervened. 

        I pushed Schmidt aside and knelt next to Bucky, who was now on the floor in a pool of his own blood. I put my hands on him and started to heal him, I couldn't let him die. He tried to push me away, telling me he wasn't worth it. But I ignored him. 

       For some reason Schmidt never tried to step in and stop me. When I was done I was pulled away though. I heard a quite gaps from Dr. Zola. "Well, it appears that you Adelaide have been keeping a secret from us." Schmidt said.

        I glared at him. Then Zola spoke up. "It would appear that she is able to heal people." He said wisely. Personally I think he's being a little stupid. Isn't it obvious that I can heal people? I mean I just healed Bucky before their eyes.

        "Yes, it would appear so. I wonder what else she can do..." Schmidt said. Then he turned to Bucky. "Take this one to his new room, he may not tell us his name. But we can still use him." Schmidt said. I just watched helplessly as they dragged Bucky out. I willed the tears not to fall down. 

        Steve kissed the top of my head. "Whatever Zola did to him helped him survive the fall." He said.

         "But he wouldn't have needed to survive that fall if I hadn't lost my grip on him." I said. 

         "It's not you, Adelaide." Sam said. 

         "Even when we had nothing, we had Bucky." I said sadly. 

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now