😂😃part 9😇😇😇

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In a mansion few people crying looking on the photos of some people.......
Old women: did u remember this day...
How will we forget mother ..it was a special day for all of us said by a lady of late 50 yrs.

The old lady is none other than our kalyani dadi and the another lady is janvi-the eldest daughter in law of oberoi family..

Dadi: before 25 yrs it was the most beautiful for all us ...it was day our shiomru born.(crying)

Janvi: but what god given us was already by the god itself.

Dadi: I dont know but i feel something good is going to happen us.

Janvi: u also feel like that dadi..

Dadi: did u also have that feeling.

Janvi: yes dadi...and i am going to temple ...because it was a special day in my life...

Dadi: I am also comming with you ..and where is tej ..is he coming with us.

Jhanvi : yes dadi
Then tej come towards them and said we can go ....
3 of them went to temple and ask panditji to do pooja.... .........................

Pandit: for whom u want to do pooja..

Dadi:for my grand children and their wife ...they died in an accident before 25 yrs..

Pandit: okay i will do ...pooja for get shanti for their soul..so plz give kundali..(I dont know anything about this rituals...).

Dadi:tej give their photos and jataka(kundali).

Tej give it to panditji...
Panditji take it and look it many times and stop doing poojas..

Dadi:why are not doing poojas..

Panditji: I cant do this pooja to them.

Tej: but why...

Pandit: because this pooja is only for dead ones ..not for those who are living.

Tejvi:what are u saying.

Pandit: according to their jatakam(kundali) they are alive..

Dadi&tejvi: how is it possible we saw their dead bodies...

Pandit: that i dont know .but i can say that they are alive...and he left from there

Tejvi &dadi return to mansion.

Tej: that pandit is mad..how dead people will alive..that to after 25 yrs...

Dadi: but i wish it is not wrong...

Our shiomru and anirivya reached mumbai in their respective chopper......

Suddenly dadi & tejvi got some feelings...that they had when shiomru and anirivya with them...

Tejvi: anirivya....
............ ........

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