😁😁FiRsT MeEtInG😂😂

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Shiomru & Anirivya went to shopping mall to buy some clothes because their college was  going to open after 3 days....

Shiomru buys some clothes for them within 30 minutes ..but our anirivya didn't even find one dress.Anirivya move towards shiomru ...but they didn't see each other....

Shivaay: omru ..i don't know my heartbeats are raising up.

Omru: same thing bro....we also feels like that....but what..

Ru:is it heartattack.....omg....we are going to die...bhaiyaa...

Shiom: shutup duffer..

Anirivya also felt like that.but they ignore it...they select some dresses & went to ice cream parlour..

Shiomru also went to the same ice cream parlour...but they didnt see each other...suddenly some guys tries to touch anirivya..

Ist boy:(pointing Anika) your are very sexy babes....

Shivaay pov

I dont why ...but i want to kill him...how dare he....oh shivaay what are you thinking ..you even didnt see her face...but why i am feeling like that...

2nd boy:(pointing gauri) look bro what a hot girl is she..

Omkara's pov

I want kill that bastard..how dare he..but why i feeling like that..i even dont know her..but i want to kill him

3rd boy:(pointing bhavya)  look bro...i want to kiss her..

Rudras pov
Oh my god...i want to kill him..how dare he...

That boys again tries to touch anirivya.. now shiomru cant control so they went towards anirivya...within a second that boys falls in the ground....but shiomru is the one shocked to the hell...because ..its anirivya ..who beats that boys...

Shivaay:(to omru) what happened now..

Om:even i am thinking that...

Ru: they are not simple...i think they are jackie chan's sisters..

Shiom: shut up rudra

Ru: anyways i am going to introduce myself to them...
Hai girls....but anirivya went from there....

Shiom teases him and after sometimes they also went from there...

gauri: we want to forget what happened in the mall..

Bhav: if bhaiyaas came to know about it .....then...

Ani: they will burn that malll and that boys...so dont say any thing about it to them...

Suddenly one car hits anirivya's car...and it is obiviously

Shiomru's car

Anirivya and shiomru get outside from the car...

Anika: hey bhaisaab....dont you have eyes...(pointing shivaay).

Shivaay:how dare you call me bhaisaab.....am i looking bhaisaab for u....

Anika: then what i call you (she thinks)....okay...mr kanji aakhon wala...

Shiv: what kan...aakh..what a language is that.....

Ani: you even dont know whats it meaning....haha...

Shivaay tries to say something...but om stops him...
And tries to say sorry...but it ends up with in fighting with gauri...

Gauri: first u stop...mr jadathari..hippie..

Om: what did you call me ..jadathaari...you mad girl..

Gauri: no you are mad..mr long hair..


Now rudra tries to solve the problems...

Ru:guys would you plz stop..(pointing bhavya)..u go and stop your mad friends..

Bhavya:what are you saying..my friends are mad... actually your friends are mad......and i will arrest you under section 326..for calling mg friends mad..

Ru: for your kind information..they are my brothers...so dont dare to call them mad.

Bhav: and for your kind information...mr dumbell ....they are my sisters...

And they also started to quarrel...
Suddenly something..striken in anirivyas mind...they look each other and smirked...and went towards their car...

Shiomru: look they accept..their defeat.. pooor girls...and started to laugh..haha....

But it doesnt last more than 5 second...because now they are fully covered with water...yes anirivya throws a bottle full of water on them...


Anirivya smirked and go from there...

Shiomru:now you will see who we are ..


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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