Part 10

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It felt like it had been far too long since Blinky had been okay. He lay in a room close to the heartstone so that its power could heal him, and Aargh stood in the doorway to defend against intruders. But he couldn't shake the deep-seated fear that had seized his heart.

Polonius and Deia were safe with the trollhunter and his friends, but it just as easily could have been them that got crushed in the cave in. Aargh couldn't even imagine losing his children, and it was just as bad to imagine losing Blinky.

The smaller blue troll had been patched up and was expected to pull through. He had woken twice since the incident but had been disoriented and confused, asking Aargh over and over again where there children were, where their friends were, before he slipped back into sleep.

It was painful to watch. Aargh just wanted it to end.

*sorry it's short, but there will be more. looking for a place to tie this up/end but we'll see :D* 

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