Part 7

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Blinky could see Jim, his son, fighting Gunmar down below. The alpha troll was enraged, and he reeked to Blinky. He smelled of anger, of madness, and of frightening power.

Somehow, they all made it out. They were all alive, they were all safe, and they had rescued the human child. Jim wasn't even harmed, and for that Blinky would never stop giving thanks. And now he had another child to think of, one that wasn't even born yet.

How could he handle another child in such dangerous times? It was a scary thought, but Blinky knew that he would do his best to make it work.

*time skip whoop whoop XD sorry if you wanted preggy stuff but I want to get to the babies already*

Blinky could hardly believe it. Two babies slept in his arms- two! It was a miracle that both had survived. Blinky himself had been Dictatious's twin, and Blinky, being the weaker one, had almost died soon after his birth.

The first baby, Polonius, had dark blue skin and green hair, while the other, Deia, had pale grey skin and much lighter blue hair.

Jim and his friends came in later to say hello, cooing and fawning over the babies with love in their eyes. "They're so cute! I can't wait to play with them."

Blinky stroked their hair absently. "I just hope that they haven't been born into a world that's too dangerous for them to have happy lives."

Jim nodded to Blinky, expression tough and determined. "I'll protect them with my life."

*sorry, short and sappy. But eh that sometimes is my thing. Thanks for reading, more to come, I just haven't had much writing time lately*

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